第40屆香港國際電影節邀得曾為多部澤東電影出品如《春光乍洩》、《愛神》及《2046》等設計海報的平面設計師黃新滿先生作主題設計。以電影《2046》的劇照作主體,糅合多種新舊的視覺元素,帶出由過去通往未來的主題。 The keyart of The 40th Hong Kong International Film Festival is designed by Mr. WONG San Mun. He has designed various film posters for Jet Tone Films, including “Happy Together”, “Eros” and “2046”. By combining a film still of ”2046” with a variety of old and new visual elements, the keyart highlights the theme of travelling from the past to the future.
Hong Kong International Film Festival