第五屆「意大利電影週」Cine Italiano! 門票現正公開發售,今年重點除了勇奪意大利金像獎最佳電影、反思現代手機文化的開幕電影《完美謊情》外,還有描寫兩位時代閨蜜如何面對愛情三岔口的《情歸蜜友》,以及經過數碼修復、獲獎無數的影迷至愛《星光伴我心》。屆時,《完美謊情》導演保羅贊奴維斯以及《情歸蜜友》導演瑪莉亞蘇杜娜芝將出席與觀衆見面環節。 購票詳情:https://www.thegrandcinema.com.hk/highlight_detail.aspx?Lang=1&ProgramID=40
Tickets are now available for The 5th Cine Italiano! This year's Opening Film is the brilliantly executed and scripted PERFECT STRANGERS, which won the Best Film at the David di Donatello Awards. Highlights include ME, MYSELF AND HER, a romantic comedy about the complex relationship between two women, and the multi-award winning classic Cinema Paradisorestored in all its glory. Director Paolo GENOVESE of PERFECT STRANGERS and director Maria Sole TOGNAZZI of ME, MYSELF AND HER will meet-and-greet the audiences. Ticketing information: https://www.thegrandcinema.com.hk/highlight_detail.aspx?Lang=2&ProgramID=40
Hong Kong International Film Festival