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Film Programmes for Romania, Vietnam and the United States |三地電影各自各精采聚焦羅馬尼亞、越南和美國|三地电影各自各精采聚焦罗马尼亚、越南和美国

To reflect the theme of 35th Hong Kong International Film Festival
(HKIFF), “Let’s Meet Here”, HKIFF this year is providing festival goers to share the experience of filmmakers from different places and times by presenting selections from three countries – Romania, Vietnam and the United States.

From Strength to Strength - Romanian Cinema

The focus on Romanian Cinema this year is a continuation of the Young Romanian Cinema section in the 31st HKIFF. Audiences will again be able to experience the unique style of Romanian cinema, now one of the most exciting and original in Europe. Romanian film history has undergone long and varied transitions. Following the downfall of the communist regime in 1989, Romanian cinema entered a new phase known as the Romanian New Wave. Films since then have been more concerned with the transition to free-market capitalism and democracy and its implications for the future of the country’s society.

HKIFF will present a selection of recent Romanian films, including:

Aurora 2010

The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) 2010

If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle (Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier)2010

Morgen 2010

Outbound (Periferic) 2010

Tuesday, After Christmas (Marti, după crăciun) 2010

Vietnamese Classics: Poetry in Motion

This year, HKIFF will be screening a rarely-seen selection of Vietnamese Classics. Vietnamese cinema possesses a distinctive style which is demonstrated through its themes and perspectives. Films are more likely to focus on the outcomes of war instead of the battle field. Moreover, the prolonged suffering of the country has been authentically yet beautifully filmed, filled with imagination and gentle poetry. Among

the country’s filmmakers, TRAN Vu, HAI Ninh, BACH Diep are directors whose style and techniques were deeply influenced by Eastern Europe and France.

HKIFF will screen the following Vietnamese classics:

The White-Eye Bird (Con chim vành khuyên)1962

The Story of the Luc Couple (Truyện vợ chồng Anh Lực) 1971

Mrs. Tu Hau (Chị Tư Hậu) 1963

Miss Nhung (Chị Nhung) 1970

Hanoi Little Girl (Em bé Hà Nội) 1974

The Christmas Day (Ngày lễ Thánh) 1976

The First Love (Mối tình đầu)1977

Wild Field (Cánh đồng hoang) 1979

When the Tenth Month Comes (Bao giờ cho đến tháng mười) 1984

Travelling Circus (Gánh xiếc rong )1989

Rediscovering American Indies

For years, American Indies in festivals such as Sundance and Toronto were prime acquisitions for Hollywood studios looking for breakout hits. But the late 2000s saw the majors becoming more cautious and many quality films were left to the smaller players to distribute and handle. As a result, a number of recent Sundance and other festival winners have not received much play, especially here in Hong Kong. In this year’s Rediscovering American Indies section, we gather a number of quality titles from the past four years to showcase the ongoing strength of non-Hollywood American cinema. Some have gone on to Oscar success, while others remain niche items. This is a prime opportunity to re-introduce Hong Kongers to a prolific cinematic culture that
should not be considered any less than the best from European and Asian arthouse auteurs.

Film List:

Winter's Bone


Jess + Moss












Frozen River

2008 |

為配合本屆電影節主題「Let’s Meet Here 電影節見」,號召影迷在電影節與不同時空領域的電影人交流,特別搜羅一系列來自世界三個不同角落:羅馬尼亞、越南和美國的佳作,於電影節期間放映,讓影迷大快朵頤。


承接第31屆香港國際電影節的羅馬尼亞新世代專輯,今年電影節將再度重點介紹羅馬尼亞電影,讓觀眾能再次欣賞其獨特的電影風格。羅馬尼亞電影歷史源遠流 長,隨著1989年共產政權倒台,羅馬尼亞電影亦隨即步入新浪潮階段,其作品不但反映出國家政權轉變對社會及人民的影響,更發展出一套實而不華,卻引人入 勝的電影美學。


《破曉》 Aurora 2010

《壽西斯古自傳》 The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) 2010

《逆風少年越獄記》 If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle (Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier)2010

《明天偷渡會更好》 Morgen 2010

《暴走女24小時》 Outbound (Periferic) 2010

《聖誕後的星期二》 Tuesday, After Christmas (Marti, după crăciun) 2010


越南電影有著自己的個性,雖是社會主義下的產物,越南電影毫不樣板,戰爭片沒有戰爭,而是講戰禍對人的影響;國家的苦難,又可與優美鏡頭並存;箇中樸實又 富詩意,意象豐富,更有嚴謹的電影作法,鏡頭講究結構緊密。原因得數越南的詩是文化和感性的核心,普及至農村百姓,而且陳武、海寧、白葉等耳熟能詳的導演 深受東歐和法國電影文化的影響。


《小青鳥》 The White-Eye Bird (Con chim vành khuyên)1962

《阿力夫婦》 The Story of the Luc Couple (Truyện vợ chồng Anh Lực) 1971

《四厚姐》 Mrs. Tu Hau (Chị Tư Hậu) 1963

《絨小姐》 Miss Nhung (Chị Nhung) 1970

《河內女孩》 Hanoi Little Girl (Em bé Hà Nội) 1974

《聖誕日》 The Christmas Day (Ngày lễ Thánh) 1976

《初戀》 The First Love (Mối tình đầu)1977

《荒原》 Wild Field (Cánh đồng hoang) 1979

《當十月到來》 When the Tenth Month Comes (Bao giờ cho đến tháng mười) 1984

《馬戲團》 Travelling Circus (Gánh xiếc rong )1989


一直以來,辛丹士和多倫多電影節都是美國獨立電影人才輩出的搖籃。可是踏入2000年後,片商購片態度轉趨謹慎,而且多為迎合主流觀眾口味,以致許多具質 素的獨立電影缺乏支持,失去面世機會。尤其是在香港,市場萎縮令這類片種放映機會少之又少。因此,今屆電影節的「美國自主電影新貌」環節,搜羅近三年來多 部非主流荷里活的電影,部分作品更已入圍角逐奧斯卡,其他的亦廣受好評。


《凍死骨》 Winter's Bone 2010

《生煙草之味》 Jess + Moss2011

《看不見的深淵》 Aardvark2010

《砰嘭!》 Kaboom2010

《小城記事》 Littlerock 2010

《忽然搭錯基》 Humpday 2009

《三國錯》 Ballast2008

《冰河劫》 Frozen River2008 | 为配合本届电影节主题「Let’s Meet Here 电影节见」,号召影迷在电影节与不同时空领域的电影人交流,特别搜罗一系列来自世界三个不同角落:罗马尼亚、越南和美国的佳作,于电影节期间放映,让影迷大快朵颐。 罗马尼亚风劲吹

承接第31届香港国际电影节的罗马尼亚新世代专辑,今年电影节将再度重点介绍罗马尼亚电影,让观众能再次欣赏其独特的电影风格。罗马尼亚电影历史源远流长,随着1989年共产政权倒台,罗马尼亚电影亦随即步入新浪潮阶段,其作品不但反映出国家政权转变对社会及人民的影响,更发展出一套实而不华,却引人入胜的电影美学。 多部当代罗马尼亚电影将于电影节期间放映,包括:

《破晓》 Aurora 2010

《寿西斯古自传》 The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu (Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu) 2010

《逆风少年越狱记》 If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle (Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier)2010

《明天偷渡会更好》 Morgen 2010

《暴走女24小时》 Outbound (Periferic) 2010

《圣诞后的星期二》 Tuesday, After Christmas (Marti, după crăciun) 2010 越南经典:戏中有诗

越南电影有着自己的个性,虽是社会主义下的产物,越南电影毫不样板,战争片没有战争,而是讲战祸对人的影响;国家的苦难,又可与优美镜头并存;箇中朴实又富诗意,意象丰富,更有严谨的电影作法,镜头讲究结构紧密。原因得数越南的诗是文化和感性的核心,普及至农村百姓,而且陈武、海宁、白叶等耳熟能详的导演深受东欧和法国电影文化的影响。 下列电影将于电影节其间放映:

《小青鸟》 The White-Eye Bird (Con chim vành khuyên)1962

《阿力夫妇》 The Story of the Luc Couple (Truyện vợ chồng Anh Lực) 1971

《四厚姐》 Mrs. Tu Hau (Chị Tư Hậu) 1963

《绒小姐》 Miss Nhung (Chị Nhung) 1970

《河内女孩》 Hanoi Little Girl (Em bé Hà Nội) 1974

《圣诞日》 The Christmas Day (Ngày lễ Thánh) 1976

《初恋》 The First Love (Mối tình đầu)1977

《荒原》 Wild Field (Cánh đồng hoang) 1979

《当十月到来》 When the Tenth Month Comes (Bao giờ cho đến tháng mười) 1984

《马戏团》 Travelling Circus (Gánh xiếc rong )1989 美国自主电影新貌

一直以来,辛丹士和多伦多电影节都是美国独立电影人才辈出的摇篮。可是踏入2000年后,片商购片态度转趋谨慎,而且多为迎合主流观众口味,以致许多具质素的独立电影缺乏支持,失去面世机会。尤其是在香港,市场萎缩令这类片种放映机会少之又少。因此,今届电影节的「美国自主电影新貌」环节,搜罗近三年来多部非主流荷里活的电影,部分作品更已入围角逐奥斯卡,其他的亦广受好评。 放映电影包括:

《冻死骨》 Winter's Bone 2010

《生烟草之味》 Jess + Moss2011

《看不见的深渊》 Aardvark2010

《砰嘭!》 Kaboom2010

《小城记事》 Littlerock 2010

《忽然搭错基》 Humpday 2009

《三国错》 Ballast2008

《冰河劫》 Frozen River2008

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009