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?光影情深 緣起不滅

悼念黃愛玲 資深影評人及電影研究者黃愛玲於2018年1月3日遽然離世,我們深切哀悼。黃愛玲曾任香港國際電影節節目策劃及英文編輯、香港藝術中心電影部策劃及香港電影資料館研究主任,亦是香港電影評論學會創會會員及前任董事,乃香港電影文化界備受尊崇的靈魂人物。她文筆的細膩情深、輕靈雋永,其人其文之優雅婉約,以及治學之嚴謹,啟發學者、影人、影迷無數。代表作有文集《戲緣》和《夢餘說夢》,主編有《詩人導演──費穆》、《理想年代──長城、鳳凰的日子》、《國泰故事》、《故園春夢──朱石麟的電影人生》、《王家衛的映畫世界(2015版)》等多部。她留下的滿紙錦繡,猶如永恆光影,將長留影迷心坎。

Vale Wong Ain-ling It is with deepest regret and sadness that we mourn the passing of Wong Ain-ling, revered Hong Kong film critic and film scholar. Ain-ling, a much loved and respected key figure of the Hong Kong film and cultural industry, was a former programmer and editor, and a continuous contributor to the Hong Kong International Film Festival and its various programmes. Prolific in film writing and lecturing, she is known for her exclusive style in a combination of elegance and sensuality, presenting a distinctive perspective and an inspiring vision grounded on her wealth of film knowledge and meticulous research. Leaving behind a pool of valuable publications and her strong passion for films, Ain-ling, like legendary classics, will continue to live in the heart of all film lovers, and inspire generations to come.

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