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【HKIFF43 x 1881公館】 「光影時間廊」電影海報展覽 ? ❕ 偉大建築,不因歲月而傾頹; 經典電影,不因時間而褪色。 ❕ 在優雅的門廊古蹟,細味現代藝術的夢幻光影。 ❕ ?電影節首次與 House 1881 攜手合作 舉辦「光影時間廊」電影海報展,讓觀眾在 1881公館 優雅的門廊古蹟,於現代藝術的夢幻光影氛圍下,欣賞來自中、美、意、韓、古巴等多國修復經典的海報。 ❕ 「#光影時間廊」展期為2月26日至3月26日。 ❕ 「1881公館」是由前香港水警總部改建而成的文化地標,由一間精品酒店及不同概念的餐飲體驗區組成?。這歷史悠久的景點秉承富衛的品牌承諾—「盡展生活熱誠」,為公眾呈獻與別不同的嶄新體驗。 ❕ 公館的庭院和花園充滿歷史文化氣色,將建築物的悠久歷史和獨有魅力立體地呈現於公眾及旅客眼前。「1881公館」提供了寶貴的機會,讓富衛參與保育這重要香港地標,並透過舉辦一連串文化活動,加強與社區具意義的交流。 ❕ ⏰展覽日期:2019年2月26日 - 3月26日 ?展覽時間:上午9時至晚上9時 ?展覽地點:1881公館,香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道2A號 ❕ 【HKIFF43 x House 1881】”Corridor of Cinematic Treasures” Film Poster Exhibition ? ❕ A strength that stands the test of time. A beauty that lasts for eternity. A rendezvous with cinematic treasures through a historical corridor. ❕ ?HKIFF has held an film poster exhibition at its firstly collaborated venue House 1881. The exclusive exhibition, “Corridor of Cinematic Treasures", invites audience to walk through House 1881 historical corridor into a passage of cinematic treasures, enjoying the film posters of selected restored classics from China, USA, Italy, South Korea and Cuba under the light and shadow of modern art. ❕ The “Corridor of Cinematic Treasures” will be held from 26 February to 26 March. ❕ House 1881 is a cultural landmark and the former Hong Kong Marine Police Headquarters ?. Comprising a boutique hotel and unique dining concepts, this historic site reflects FWD’s mission to ‘Celebrate Living’ by providing enriching and interactive experiences. ❕ The property’s historic courtyard and surrounding gardens showcase its legacy and heritage value to both locals and tourists alike. House 1881 offers FWD a unique opportunity to engage with the community in meaningful ways through cultural activities and events while preserving one of Hong Kong’s iconic landmarks. ❕ ⏰Exhibition Period: 26/02/2019 to 26/03/2019 ?Open Hours: 9am. to 9pm. ?Exhibition Location: House 1881, 2A Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

?完整片目: https://www.hkiff.org.hk/film/list ?節目及訂票手冊: http://bit.ly/hkiff43bkfolder ?正式售票: Ticket Sales: 28 Feb 2019 ?#HKIFF43 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

HKIFF #香港國際電影節 : http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

CorridorOfCinematicTreasures #FilmPosterExhibition #House1881 #RestoredClassics

余香凝 Jennifer Yu

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009