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在9月18日的映後談中,劉偉霖談到《日月女神》在利維特的導演生涯中有着獨特重要性,因這是他首次夥拍攝影師William Lubtchansky,影片無論構圖及影機運動也比以前精緻流麗,色彩亦更豐富,利維特自此找到屬於自己的畫面,二人此後三十年合作無間,包括勇奪康城大獎的《不羈的美女》。


《日月女神》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/duelle/?lang=zh 《公主復仇記》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/noroit/?lang=zh

Jacques Rivette: DUELLE and NOROIT

Originally conceived to be two parts in a tetralogy, DUELLE and NOROIT are Jacques Rivette's radical and fantastical gestures away from the world of his earlier films and towards a complete abstraction of cinema-making. Inspired by Jean Cocteau, DUELLE explores the mythologization of women as both goddess and actress of the cinema screen. NOROIT, on the other hand, is an anachronistic, pirate-themed revenge film inspired by Fritz Lang's MOONFLEET.

In the post-screening talk on 18 Sep, critic William Lau talked about DUELLE being the first collaboration between Rivette and cinematographer William Lubtchansky, which begins a long-lasting relationship that helps to improve on Rivette’s mise-en-scene and use of color, and also realises Rivette’s signature style to the screen.

30% discount is offered to each purchase of standard tickets of both DUELLE and NOROIT.

DUELLE: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/duelle/ NOROIT: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/noroit/

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