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《公主復仇記》是最異色怪奇的利維特電影,海盜歷險故事,再走進神話領域,三個音樂家不時出現即興演奏,更請來Carolyn Carlson舞團助陣,把廝殺的高潮戲變成暴烈芭蕾,甚至諧仿《王子復仇記》戲中戲,總之非常過癮。此作極少在銀幕曝光,當年因為太cult,連法國也無緣公映。


《日月女神》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/duelle/?lang=zh 《公主復仇記》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/noroit/?lang=zh

The Labyrinth of Mystery - Jacques Rivette: DUELLE and NOROIT

Jacques Rivette made both DUELLE and NOROIT in the same year, since they were meant to be the first two parts in a quartet of films. Inspired by classic 1940s film noir, DUELLE is a fantasy drama where Queen of the Night battles Queen of the Sun over a magical diamond. Rivette explores the mythologization of women as both goddess and actress on the cinema screen.

Partially informed by both the Jacobean play The Revenger's Tragedy as well as Fritz Lang's MOONFLEET, NOROIT is an anachronistic, pirate-themed revenge adventure ready to be rediscovered. Rarely screened and never released commercially in France, this marvellous work deserves to be seen as a uniquely disquieting experience.

30% discount is offered to each purchase of standard tickets of both DUELLE and NOROIT.

DUELLE: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/duelle/
NOROIT: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/noroit/

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