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【#CineFan ? 1/2月節目】罕見經典:《萬世流芳》及《走寶記》✨ ❕ 在《 #萬世流芳 》映後談,影評人劉嶔談到此中日合作電影別具歷史意義,日方原意是借林則徐抗擊英軍的故事宣揚反西方列強的意識形態,五位名導卻巧妙轉化為激發抗日情緒。 有趣的是戲中日本意識並不強烈,林則徐抗爭事蹟亦不多,反而凸顯三位女性的重要 ??。 ❕ 與《萬世流芳》同樣罕見於銀幕的是修復經典《 #走寶記 》,斯里蘭卡名導 #培里斯 細膩刻劃一段因迷信及貪婪而湮滅的愛情,淒美而感人至深 ?。 ❕ ? 兩部極少放映的傑作各只餘一場,別錯過了空餘遺憾。 ❕ 【CineFan ? Jan/Feb Programmes】GLORY TO ETERNITY and THE TREASURE ✨ ❕ In the post-screening talk of GLORY TO ETERNITY, critic Lau Yam said despite the Japanese’s original intention of promoting anti-western sentiments, the film turned out to be an allusion sparking off civil resistance against Japanese aggression. Rather than a celebration of Lin Zexu’s heroism, the glory belongs to the three female characters who demonstrate courage and moral integrity. ?? ❕ Equally rare on screen is the restored classic THE TREASURE by the Sri Lankan master Lester James Peries, who created a touching ode of a love tragedy that reflects on superstition and greed. ? ❕ ? Only one screening is left for each film; don’t miss the opportunity. ❕ ?【懷念黃愛玲 In Memory of Wong Ain-ling】 《萬世流芳》 | Glory to Eternity | 17/2 | 14:30 ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2WnbS1v 《走寶記》 | The Treasure | 17/2 | 17:30 ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2CuKYLT

Cinefan #電影節發燒友 : http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節 : http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

?節目公布 Full Line-up: 26 Feb 2019 ?正式售票 Ticket Sales: 28 Feb 2019 ?#HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

GloryToEternity #TheTreasure #LesterJamesPeries

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