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? 【#CineFan by #HKIFF 三月節目】 ?The Phantom of the Opera is here/there, inside my/your mind~

? 說起《歌聲魅影》,大家最熟悉的一定是由韋伯改編的同名音樂劇,但有沒有想過單是改編的電影就超過50部?電影節發燒友(Cine Fan)於本月放映多部精選佳作,包括1925年荷里活經典默片《#歌場魅影》、哥哥 #張國榮 主演的粵語版《#夜半歌聲》、#馬徐維邦 執導的《夜半歌聲》及《夜半歌聲續集》,並會在三月尾於香港藝術中心及香港大學舉行電影和音樂學者主講的座談會,請密切留意!

? 第一炮是今個星期六 #白賴仁狄龐馬 1974年的Cult片《魅影歌聲》。導演將《歌場魅影》故事帶到現代,並滲入浮士德魔鬼交易的元素,講作曲家拿着樂譜傑作去見樂壇教父,被私吞作品更身陷冤獄,遂化身「魅影」在仇人新場搞事報復。溝味十足,更抽乾水塘,差點被人告上法庭。


?Phantoms of the Cinema: PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE

Inspired by #ThePhantomOfTheOpera, #BrianDePalma directed this campy Faustian backstage musical-comedy – complete with Frankenstein-esque drag number – about a rock-and-roll producer’s pact with the devil, turning it into a phantasmagoric satire on the carnal indulgences and excesses in the music industry.

Originated from #GastonLeroux's literature, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has become the object of constant creative re-interpretation all over the world, including fifty-plus screen adaptations. Cine Fan will present a significant selection, starting with the influential 1925 Hollywood adaptation, THE PHANTOM LOVER starring #LeslieCheung, #MaxuWeibang's SONG AT MIDNIGHT and its sequel SONG AT MIDNIGHT, PART II, followed by a seminar with film and music scholars. Stay tuned!

PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/phantom-of-the-paradise/

almost 8 years ago 62 likes  0 comment  3 shares


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