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【#CineFan】積葵利維特:《勾魂十三:幽靈》 Jacques Rivette’s OUT 1: SPECTRE

空前絕後的傳奇片《勾魂十三》去年在 #HKIFF41 放映十三小時足本令影迷如癡如醉,今回《勾魂十三:幽靈》曝光,重新架構的四小時版本,再度令人驚歎利維特創意非凡。尚彼亞里奧一頭栽進巴爾扎克的文本,試圖解開「十三」之謎;同樣素材,利維特找來剪接師施展魔法,以全新角度將故事建構重生。刪減大量綵排片段後的敘事邏輯大異其趣,豈只是原版的幽靈,簡直是另一部戲!

If you were mesmerized by Rivette’s legendary 13-hour film OUT 1: NOLI ME TANGERE in last year’s HKIFF, you’ll be stunned again by OUT 1: SPECTRE, its 4-hour version. While the overall premise still revolves around an ensemble of characters, including Jean-Pierre Leaud and Juliet Berto, spurred into play by a complicit conspiracy, Rivette pushed the boundaries of truth ever further in SPECTRE, subverting narrative conventions with challenging pairings. Come and experience this ultimate experiment in its innovative alternate version!

?️《勾魂十三:幽靈》OUT 1: SPECTRE: bit.ly/2rnd3QP

積葵利維特 #勾魂十三 #JacquesRivette #Out1 #HKIFF

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