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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 大館賽馬會立方飲食地圖 Food & Drink Guide near JC Cube, Tai Kwun】

在大館放映前後,想迅速醫肚?可參考我們為電影節影迷度身訂造的飲食地圖!?精選的幾間餐廳或便利店價格相宜,亦提供外賣。最快的選擇是經紫荊樓閘去最近的7-11便利店,或去大館內的「輕。快翠」(營業時間至晚上8點)。??時間充裕的話,可到奧卑利閘和行人天橋閘附近,會有更多選擇! 如果你也有一張電影節期間至愛的餐廳名單,歡迎留言開心share!?

A food & drink guide custom-made for our audience! ? If you are going to our screenings held in JC Cube of Tai Kwun, you may want to try out these quick and affordable eats nearby. The quickest options are 7-11 near Bauhinia House Gate and MaoMaoEat inside Tai Kwun (open till 8 pm). ?? If you have more time, try out the other yummy and walkable options near Old Bailey Gate and Footbridge Gate. Do you have your own restaurant list during the film festival? Share with us! ?

?️節目詳情及購票 Programme details & ticketing: cinefan.com.hk


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