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【#CineFan #SummerIFF - 開賣!】


?《未來的未來》及《睡王子的快樂傳說》:開幕及閉幕電影(《未來的未來》8月18日晚上場次已滿座‼️) ?《棟篤雙星血肉史》及《啊,荒野》:地球人無法阻止的菅田將暉 ?《hide的生與死》:hide去世廿周年紀念(兩場均已滿座‼️) ?《靈肉撫摸》:挑戰情慾禁區的柏林金熊獎話題作 ?《少年的祈禱》:安東尼巴尚24歲躍登柏林影帝寶座

好戲太多不能盡錄,快啲到 http://cinefan.com.hk 揀選心頭好!

【#CineFan #SummerIFF - Tickets on SaleNow!】

☀️No time to hesitate, tickets for hot picks go fast! Want some tips? Here you go:

? MIRAI and HAPPY AS LAZARRO, Opening and Closing Films (18 Aug screening of MIRAI is full‼️) ?SPARK and WILDERNESS featuring Japanese pop star Suda Masaki ? HURRY GO ROUND, commemorating the late legendary guitarist hide (Full house now‼️) ? TOUCH ME NOT, the controversial Berlinale Golden Bear winner ? THE PRAYER, winner of Berlinale Best Actor (Anthony Bajon)

Pick your favorites at http://cinefan.com.hk, and act fast to grasp the tickets!

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009