【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 奇幻日韓 Fantastic East】
日韓猛將當然不止惡搞野郎和和犬屋敷,以下紅人不容忽視: ??#菅田將暉:快將超越人類極限,一邊在《棟篤雙星血肉史》搞gag,另一邊在《啊,荒野》飛越2021到新宿的人性荒原,以拳頭擊潰絕望與困局,地球人已無法阻止他狂掃影帝獎 ??#柳俊烈:與一眾重磅韓星強勢出擊,改編自杜琪峯《毒戰》的《毒戰寒流》辣上加辣 ??#矢口史靖:喜歡他的撲水少年或搖擺少女,更要看《13百搭之一鏡映畫》
Besides the Bastard and Inuyashiki, you can’t neglect these 3 influential names:
??#SudaMasaki: simply unbeatable, taking the spotlight with two hits - SPARK as a comedian, and WILDERNESS as a street thug who pursues boxing to fight against the doomed society in 2021 - sweeping most of the Best Actor awards in Japan
??#RyuJunyeol: launches a chic fight with BELIEVER, a Korean remake of Johnnie To’s DRUG WAR
??#YaguchiShinobu: demonstrates the magic of creativity in ONE PIECE INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS – MOVIE BRAIN -
?️節目詳情及購票 Programme details & Ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/
Hong Kong International Film Festival