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?【#電影節發燒友】安東尼奧尼:《迷情》、《無限春光在險峯》 ?[#CineFan] Antonioni: L’AVVENTURA and ZABRISKIE POINT

從地中海走到死亡谷國家公園的扎布里斯基角,虛無的人生與荒涼的情愛依然找不着命運的歸宿。《迷情》的蒙妮卡維蒂,在孤寂小島與異地巷陌尋尋覓覓,女友尋不着、愛情又成空,只落得淒淒慘慘戚戚;《無限春光在險峯》的躁動少年,以滿腔怒火反戰爭反資本主義,到頭來只消得火炎崑岡,玉石俱焚。 在1月7 日的座談會,影評人張偉雄和馮嘉琪談及 #安東尼奧尼 獨特的電影語言。他打破固有敍事模式,擅長從場景出發,透過環境建構出自然空間,讓人物置身其中互動拉扯,以呈現人與人之間的矛盾、存在的焦慮與感情的疏離,將電影升華至更高的思考層次。 ?《#迷情》:http://bit.ly/2BJ1HbP ?《#無限春光在險峯》:http://bit.ly/2mKP0Yz

From the isolated island in the Mediterranean Sea, to the desolate land of the Death Valley, the landscapes of Antonioni are of loss and crisis. In L’AVVENTURA, Monica Vitti wanders in an adventure, searching for her girlfriend and true love in vain. In ZABRISKIE POINT, a young dreamer bursts in anger and violence against capitalism and corruption, but only finds his own destruction. In the seminar held on 7 Jan, critics Bryan Chang and Kiki Fung talked about the unique film language of #Antonioni. Noted for his unusual narrative structure, he has reconstructed the space evacuated by motive, and positioned characters with respect to their environments and foregrounds landscape. His films are as enigmatic as life itself, evoking individual mediation on love, loneliness and human existence. ? #LAvventura: http://bit.ly/2BKXRPO ? #ZabrikskiePoint: http://bit.ly/2DlM6ol

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? #香港國際電影節 #HKIFF42 完整片單公布 Full Lineup: 28 / 2 / 2018 售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 電影節 Festival Period: 19 / 3 / 2018 - 5 / 4 / 2018

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