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?【#電影節發燒友】荷索:《天譴》、《我的野蠻好友》 ?[#CineFan] Herzog: AGUIRRE, THE WRATH OF GOD and MY BEST FIEND

華納荷索 與寇斯金斯基一導一演相生相剋,逼到彼此精神崩潰,卻達至創意巔峰。拍《天譴》時,荷索的執迷令攝製隊困於急流暴雨險象環生,親歷企圖以文明征服蠻荒自然的瘋狂與挫敗;金斯基的狂野,則完美展現逆天者貪婪野心的邪惡。在《我的野蠻好友》荷索重返拍攝現場,憶述當年臭馬在拍片過程暴戾乖張,大導亦威脅開槍同歸於盡。1月21日的映後座談會,影評人朗天和李焯桃為你分析兩個亦敵亦友的傲世天才,如何成就了影壇不朽傳奇。

? 《#天譴》:http://bit.ly/2DkydCO ? 《#我的野蠻好友》:http://bit.ly/2EVLG4H

One of the most difficult directors and one of the most notorious actors, both nurture an affection for lunacy, form the perfect partnership to produce the masterpiece AGUIRRE, THE WRATH OF GOD. #WernerHerzog’s harsh vision of the havoc of civilization and the insanity in man is brought to life by #KlausKinski, who incarnates the antihero with a frightening intensity of what greed and madness can bring human beings to. Revisiting the original shooting locations in MY BEST FIEND, Werner recalls their unending love-hate relationship, the most explosive yet most creative director/actor collaboration. ? AGUIRRE, THE WRATH OF GOD: http://bit.ly/2DPHpjA ? MY BEST FIEND: http://bit.ly/2DosfF1

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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