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【#電影節發燒友 ?】尚雷諾亞與積葵貝克:道破人性幻象 . 種族、階級及文化隔閡,造成了戰爭;獄警和俘虜、德法貴族、敵兵與農婦之間,卻存在真誠互信──#尚雷諾亞 的《#大幻影》,戳破戰爭虛妄、宣揚人道主義;電影曾險成戰爭犧牲品,終成為影史上最偉大的反戰經典之一。

積葵貝克 的《#洞》裏,五名囚犯協力鑿洞挖通地道,卻未能同心齊齊越獄,映照出人性的曲折幽深,逃得出四面銅牆,卻逃不出內心囚籠。

. 【#CineFan ?】Jean Renoir and Jacques Becker: Exposing the Phantom of Humanity . One of cinema's most profound anti-war statements, Jean Renoir’s GRAND ILLUSION (the film itself nearly became a casualty of WWII) exposes the brutality and absurdity of war, while imbued with a passionate belief in man’s humanity to man. LE TROU, Jacques Becker’s final work distills the moral and cinematic issues of the prison film in an unforgettable ensemble piece, stripping bare the core of humanity as vulnerable as it is profound.
. 《大幻影》| Grand Illusion | 8/12 | 19:30 : ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2RqsUZZ 《洞》| Le Trou | 9/12 | 14:00: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2Qs5YZa . ?11/12月節目詳情 Programme: https://bit.ly/2P7x6fB . 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】 《女人踏上樓梯時》(放映+講座) FULL | WHEN A WOMAN ASCENDS THE STAIRS | 7/12 | 19:30 http://bit.ly/2OHfOcB 《逃獄金剛》| Cool Hand Luke | 9/12 | 16:45: http://bit.ly/2Qu7kCx 《亂雲》(放映+講座) | Scattered Clouds | 14/12 | 19:30: http://bit.ly/2P94VNx


Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009