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丹尼爾戴路易斯 在《#無悔今生》飾演天生腦麻痺的愛爾蘭藝術奇才,以靈巧左腳繪出幅幅獲獎畫作編寫傳奇一生。在6月10日的映後談,影評人林錦波盛讚其超卓的方法演技。他對角色深入研究,在拍攝前花了八星期學習使用左腳,第一幕以腳趾拿放唱片的場面一鏡即成,其細緻而層次分明的演繹,大大提升了整部影片的成績。7月23日最後一場,把握寶貴機會,欣賞路易斯的精湛演出。


?【#CineFan】Back to the Screen: MY LEFT FOOT In #MyLeftFoot, #DanielDayLewis portrays the paralyzed Christy Brown in an amazing performance. In the post-screening talk on 10 Jun, critic Lam Kam-po spoke highly of his exquisite method acting. With a complete devotion to the role, Day-Lewis spent eight weeks learning the skills, enabling himself to pick up a vinyl with his left foot in a single take. The film is largely elevated by his nuanced, layered performance. Grasp the final opportunity to appreciate his magnificent acting in this film on 23 Jul. MY LEFT FOOT: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/my-left-foot/

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