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?【#電影節發燒友】永遠的女優 #原節子(二) ?? [#CineFan] #HaraSetsuko Forever II

她的美,總帶有一份寧謐,教人安心。十六歲在《新樂土》嶄露頭角,一身和服的青春倩影我見猶憐;在《安城家的舞會》裏展現新女性的剛毅樂觀,象徵日本戰後的希望;在老拍檔 #小津安二郎 的《晚春》和《秋日和》裏,善解人意的女兒/人母散發暖流;在 #成瀨巳喜男 的《驟雨》和《娘.妻.母》裏,人妻則在倫理道德的枷鎖中尋回自我;在 #黑澤明 的《白痴》裏更一改形象演繹冶艷女子,細膩呈現周旋於男人之間的複雜心情。重溫七部日本電影黃金時代的佳作,懷緬原節子的多姿神韻與細緻演技,機會難逢。門票現已在城市售票網公開發售。 http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/period/2017-archive-zh-hant/nov-dec-2017-zh-hant/

Japan’s best-loved actress, Hara Setsuko embodies the virtues of the traditional Japanese woman, beyond her divine beauty and charm. Best known as #OzuYasujiro’s quiet muse, her heart-wrenching smiles display restrained kindness and melancholy in LATE SPRING and LATE AUTUMN. She becomes a wife who pursues her onward struggle in #NaruseMikio’s SUDDEN RAIN and DAUGHTERS, WIVES AND A MOTHER; and turns into a tempestuous, sexy woman in #KurosawaAkira’s THE IDIOT. Also unforgettable are her illuminating performances in rarely-seen early works including THE NEW EARTH and THE BALL AT THE ANJO HOUSE. Tickets for these seven films representing the golden era of Japanese cinema are now on sales at URBTIX.

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