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【#HKIFF42】 《#家在蘭若寺》一票難求,小編今日有幸率先體驗呢部HTC全球首部華語VR 電影,即時同大家滙報!大導蔡明亮同影帝演員李康生親在現場監督,更驚喜係潘迪華姐姐和林嘉欣都一齊黎欣賞!戴上HTC VIVE 特製的VR headset,猶如置身拍攝現場,可以360度環迴觀看每一個角落。感覺好像李康生就在面前,伸手就可以觸到佢!外面滂沱大雨,見到地面濕溼溼,小編更不自覺地縮一縮腳!正如潘迪華姐姐所講,睇呢部戲嘅觀眾不能偷懶,既要望左望右主動探索空間,更要發揮無窮想像力。小編十分期待4月2日蔡明亮同李康生出席大師班,到時可以了解佢地嶄新嘅創作體驗。搶到飛嘅觀眾,真係令人羡慕又妒忌!

The most demanded film of this year’s HKIFF, #TheDeserted, HTC’s first virtual reality (VR) Chinese language film, opens today! Taiwanese master Tsai Ming-Liang and leading actor Lee Kang-Sheng are there to lead the Hong Kong audience through an unparalleled eye-opening VR experience. Renowned artists Rebecca Pan and actress Karena Lam were among the first to attend the film’s Hong Kong Premiere. With the HTC VIVE VR handset on, viewers can immerse themselves into the dreamlike 3D space and live through a personal journey with Lee! Pan said it’s an extraordinary experience that requires the audience to actively engage into the film and articulate their imagination. Tsai and Lee will also attend the Master Class on 2 April to share their thoughts and visions of this cinematic innovation. .

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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