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【#HKIFF43】 記者招待會星光熠熠,完整節目公布!?

HKIFF43完整節目正式公布!? 開幕電影為荷里活名導 #雷尼哈林 執導、#張家輝 及 #任賢齊 領銜主演的《#沉默的證人》世界首映,閉幕電影為法國導演 #法蘭索瓦奧桑 剛榮獲柏林影展評審團大獎的《#以恩寵之名》,在電影節作亞洲首映。

今天在 House 1881 舉行的記者招待會星光熠熠,今屆節目同樣耀眼,亮點包括:

?三位享譽國際名導的大師班:奧斯卡得獎名導 #阿斯加法哈迪;南韓大師 #李滄東;導、演雙棲的 #姜文

?著名影人與觀眾會面:剛奪柏林影展最佳導演銀熊獎的 #安祖拉雪娜歷、紀錄片大導#維德利明斯奇、台灣名導 #蔡明亮 等

?隆重首映:#關錦鵬 讓一眾女星爭妍鬥麗的《#八個女人一台戲》、剛獲柏林影展最佳電影金熊獎的《#字旅巴黎》、#彼得積遜 以3D數碼技術重現一戰歷史真實的《#不老的戰跡》等

好戲太多不能盡錄,即刻上 http://www.hkiff.org.hk/film/list 瀏覽!門票將於28日公開發售!

【HKIFF43】Full line-up unveiled at the press conference today!?

?The full line-up of HKIFF43 is unveiled! Opening the festival is the world premiere of BODIES AT REST, Renny Harlin’s Chinese language crime thriller starring Nick Cheung and Richie Jen. Closing the festival is the Asian premiere of the Berlinale Grand Jury Prize winner, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, a headline inspired drama from the acclaimed French filmmaker François Ozon.

In the star-studded press conference held at House 1881 today, the highlights of this year’s programme are announced, including:

?Three masterclasses by three internationally-celebrated filmmakers: Oscar-winning director Asghar Farhadi, Korean master Lee Chang-dong and revered actor-director Jiang Wen

?Filmmakers in attendance: Berlinale Best Director winner Angela Schanelec, documentarian Vitaly Mansky, Taiwanese master Tsai Ming-liang, just to name a few.

?Gala premieres and special presentations: FIRST NIGHT NERVES by Hong Kong new wave icon Stanley Kwan; SYNONYMS, the winner of the Berlinale’s Golden Bear for Best Film; THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD, Peter Jackson’s pet project restoring WWI documentary footage with digital wizardry

Visit http://www.hkiff.org.hk/film/list now to browse the full programme list and don’t forget to book your tickets on 28 Feb!

HKIFF #香港國際電影節 : http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

?節目公布 Full Line-up: 26 Feb 2019 ?正式售票 Ticket Sales: 28 Feb 2019 ?#HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

第43屆香港國際電影節 #BodiesAtRest #ByTheGraceOfGod #AsgharFarhadi #LeeChangDong #JiangWen #FirstNightNerves

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009