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【#HKIFF43】金像獎兼兩屆金馬獎影帝 #郭富城 應邀擔任第43屆香港國際電影節大使!? 電影節觀眾上一次和Aaron見面是於第39屆香港國際電影節閉幕電影《踏血尋梅》首映禮上,來年還會有很多機會見到大使呢!✨ Aaron更表示:「很榮幸成為第43屆香港國際電影節大使,為推廣優秀電影、弘揚電影文化出一分力!眾所周知,香港國際電影節是年度盛事,每年吸引不少來自世界各地的影迷和業界人士出席,分享及觀摩不同風格的好電影,希望到時大家亦會踴躍支持。」

We are excited to announce the ambassador of HKIFF43, #AaronKwok! ? The last time we met him at #HKIFF was at the world premiere of PORT OF CALL (HKIFF39's closing film) which earned him Best Actor award at Hong Kong Film Awards. HKIFF audiences will get to see the HKFA and two-time Golden Horse Best Actor winner a lot next year.✨ "I am delighted to be HKIFF43 Ambassador to promote appreciation of film culture. Every year, HKIFF attracts movie-goers and entertainment industry professionals around the world; I strongly encourage people to take part in this celebrated film event."

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009