??【#夏日國際電影節】《高達:革命性改變》、《中國女》 高達,永恆的高達。《#星光夢裏人》奧斯卡金像導演哈薩拿維斯向大師致敬,聚焦他與第二任妻子安妮維雅嬋絲基拍攝《中國女》期間造就的短暫姻緣,側寫大導投身火紅政治電影懷抱,獲康城青睞角逐金棕櫚獎,高達本尊如何評價則自當別論。欣賞大師本色便不可不看其原裝招牌經典《中國女》,五十年前已大膽實驗電影語言革命,將馬列主義狂熱青年搞革命的真偽議題玩得出神入化。一新一舊、一客一主相互對照,趣味無窮。
《#高達:革命性改變》(2017):http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/redoubtable/ 《#中國女》(1967):http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/la-chinoise/
?? 【#SummerIFF17】Forever Godard: REDOUBTABLE and LA CHINOISE Jean-Luc Godard is/is not God. An homage to the great maestro, Oscar-winning director #MichelHazanavicius' hilarious and touching drama centers around the romance that flourished between #Godard and his second wife #AnneWiazemsky when they were making the 1967 film LA CHINOISE. The master's political rebellion and cinematic revolution is best seen in his original LA CHINOISE, a didactic satire of radical youth culture that manages to be pro-Mao and anti-radical. Both are funny and rebellious, it's interesting to discover the different Godard in these films.
Hong Kong International Film Festival