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? 【#夏日國際電影節】《熱情如火》榮登BBC 史上百大喜劇榜首!

BBC 邀請世界各地253位影評人選出史上百大喜劇,結果眾望所歸,比利懷德的《#熱情如火》勇奪首位,是該片繼登上2000年美國電影學院百年百大喜劇第一位後,再度榮登喜劇之王的殿堂寶座!影迷有福,26/8尚有最後機會欣賞到積林蒙、東尼寇帝斯及瑪莉蓮夢露精彩演繹的神級喜劇,萬勿錯過!

百大喜劇之中,另有6部於 SummerIFF17 放映,包括第15位《#踎低噴飯:勇奪聖杯》(27/8場);第21位差利卓別靈的《#城市之光》;第39位麥士兄弟的《#歌臺三怪》(25/8場);第69位活地亞倫的《#愛與死》(27/8場);第73位謝利路易的《#化身教授》(27/8場);以及第100位馬田史高西斯的《#喜劇之王》(27/8場)。映期有限,把握機會欣賞笑匠經典,開懷大笑之餘,更可領略歷久常新的喜劇真諦。

BBC史上百大喜劇:http://bbc.in/2v10i2d 《熱情如火》:http://bit.ly/2wKKIY0 《踎低噴飯:勇奪聖杯》:http://bit.ly/2vutael 《歌臺三怪》:http://bit.ly/2wL9hUC 《愛與死》:http://bit.ly/2wCCm5D 《化身教授》:http://bit.ly/2wL8jIe 《喜劇之王》:http://bit.ly/2vbmLJT

? [#SummerIFF17] SOME LIKE IT HOT Tops BBC’s 100 Greatest Comedies of All Time

BBC Culture has recently asked 253 film critics from around the world to pick the best comedies of all time. The result is of no surprise – Billy Wilder’s #SomeLikeItHot tops the greatest comedy list, after taking No. 1 in American Film Institute’s “100 Years…100 Laughs” in 2000. Audience has an opportunity to watch this classic on 26/8, and appreciate the awe-inspiring performance of Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe in this clever comedy.

SummerIFF17 also presents 6 other exceptional comedies on the BBC list: at No. 15 is #MontyPython AND THE HOLY GRAIL (27/8); at No. 21 is Charlie Chaplin’s #CityLights; at No. 39 is the Marx Brothers’ #ANightAtTheOpera (25/8); at No. 69 is Woody Allen’s #LoveAndDeath (27/8); at No. 73 is Jerry Lewis’ #TheNuttyProfessor (27/8); and at No. 100 is Martin Scorsese’s #TheKingOfComedy (27/8). Grasp the final opportunity to watch these classic comedies, which are not only the funniest but also the greatest films that stand the test of time.

BBC’s 100 Greatest Comedies of All Time: http://bbc.in/2v10i2d SOME LIKE IT HOT: http://bit.ly/2vkXuJg MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL: http://bit.ly/2wD8Qwy A NIGHT AT THE OPERA: http://bit.ly/2uU7hF7 LOVE AND DEATH: http://bit.ly/2vubUWR THE NUTTY PROFESSOR: http://bit.ly/2wKKZu0 THE KING OF COMEDY: http://bit.ly/2iuIFlp

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009