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差利卓別靈、 #謝利路易 與 #夏勞哀 三大笑匠,親身示範以幽默超越語言、文化甚至階級的最高境界。最搞笑校園喜劇有《新丁》,夏勞學齊Dem Beat一心融入大學生活,點知淪為笑柄,最後打不死運轉乾坤;最笑中有淚有《城市之光》,流浪漢差利硬着頭皮充闊佬,成功令怪富翁出錢給失明賣花女治病;最毒男極品則有《化身教授》, 謝利「低能仔」造型的化學教授研製秘方,搖身變成能歌善舞的自戀賤男。17/8《新丁》設映後座談會,講者張偉雄、王勛。

《#新丁》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-freshman/ 《#城市之光》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/city-lights/ 《#化身教授》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/the-nutty-professor/

?【#SummerIFF17】Kings of Comedy: FRESHMAN, CITY LIGHTS and NUTTY PROFESSOR To understand the serious art of being funny, there’s no better way than learning from the Kings of Comedy - the awkward physicality of comic geniuses in the silent era like #HaroldLloyd and #CharlieChaplin, and the schizophrenic world of #JerryLewis. He can be a hapless freshman who becomes the running joke and then a football hero of a college; he can be a down-and-out man who manages to help a blind flower girl; he can also be an awkward professor turning into a hip abrasive ladies’ man. No matter what their roles are, these maestros always bring in comic relief and capture the hearts of new generations of fans.

FRESHMAN: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/the-freshman/

CITYLIGHTS: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/city-lights/

NUTTYPROFESSOR: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/the-nutty-professor/

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