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??? #意大利電影週 今日開鑼! 颱風一個接一個,意大利電影旋風今日終於吹到!開幕超級強風為《#西西里離奇綁架》,故事改編自真人真事,小村莊少年神秘失蹤,女友決意潛入叢林湖泊的暗黑世界找尋小情人。電影以魔幻童話摻進綁架案的殘酷現實,導演法比奧加薩當尼亞及安東尼奧皮亞沙今晚來港與觀眾見面,不容錯過!今日上映的另一套好戲《#狼心性教慾》,寫富二代來到深山寄宿學校備受規管約束,以為潛進樹林重獲自由,卻可能是自投羅網。名導第昔加後人安德烈首拍長片即獲最佳新導演獎,新風不容忽視!

《西西里離奇綁架》:http://www.cine-italiano.hk/zh-hant/movie/sicilian-ghost-story/ 《狼心性教慾》:http://www.cine-italiano.hk/zh-hant/movie/children-of-the-night/

??? Cine Italiano! opens today!

CineItaliano! opens today with SICILIAN GHOST STORY, which opened Critics Week of Cannes. Inspired by a real-life abduction case, the film tells a magical surrealistic story of a little girl descending into the dark world in a desperate search for her vanished lover. Directors #FabioGrassadonia and #AntonioPiazza will meet the Hong Kong audience after the screening tonight. Another presentation today is CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT, a coming-of-age story about the offspring of rich families being trapped in a boarding school. Andrea De Sica, the grandson of legendary director Vittorio De Sica, demonstrates his talent in his debut feature, winning the Best New Director at the Italian Silver Ribbon Awards.

SicilianGhostStory: http://www.cine-italiano.hk/movie/sicilian-ghost-story/

ChildrenOfTheNight: http://www.cine-italiano.hk/movie/children-of-the-night/

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