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情迷經典 白賴仁狄龐馬:剃刀邊緣、兇綫、疤面煞星

繼上期Cine Fan選映了白賴仁狄龐馬的《凶靈》,十一、十二月節目正式回顧狄龐馬的幾部佳作。《剃刀邊緣》把希治閣名作來個變奏,沐浴戲令人想起《觸目驚心》,竊聽偷窺也有《後窗》等作品的影子,卻不只是複製希治閣,亦有自己的態度,令狄龐馬儼然成為新一代緊張大師。



《剃刀邊緣》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/dressed-to-kill/?lang=zh 《兇綫》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/blow-out/?lang=zh 《疤面煞星》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/scarface/?lang=zh

Brian De Palma, the Obsessive Cineaste: DRESSED TO KILL, BLOW OUT and SCARFACE

After the screening of CARRIE in the month of Halloween, Cine Fan brings you 5 of Brian De Palma's best work in his versatile career. In DRESSED TO KILL, De Palma goes further than paying homage to Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO and REAR WINDOW, he paints visually stunning set pieces that move away from the master and into his own dreamy territory.

Strongly influenced by Antonioni and Coppola, BLOW OUT is a perfect blend of high suspense and gallows humor about a soundman overhearing an assassination involving a presidential hopeful. It failed at the box office upon release, but developed as a classic after Tarantino openly cited it as his favorite film. Scripted by Oliver Stone, SCARFACE is an ultra-violent rethinking of the 1932 classic that served as a twisted paean to the excesses of the American dream, and it was voted No. 10 in American Film Institute's Top 10 Gangster Films.

DRESSED TO KILL: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/dressed-to-kill/ BLOW OUT: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/blow-out/ SCARFACE: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/scarface/


about 8 years ago 45 likes  0 comment  5 shares


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