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? 十年再見 楊德昌:《麻將》 ? Edward Yang: MAHJONG

四個小伙子湊成一枱麻將,一起斂財騙色。酒吧夜蒲,遇上法國少女,打算把她騙去當應召女郎。文化混雜的城市角落,你吃我碰,有人一敗塗地,有人贏得所愛。「香港」#張震 勾引少女不遂,反而單純的 #柯宇綸 與法國女星維珍妮萊杜燕,成就了 #楊德昌 電影中最純真浪漫的結局。10月2 日設講座,學者影評人黎肖嫻講解楊導這部黑色喜劇對現代社會的精到分析,諷刺上一代道德敗壞,年輕人則迷失自我。 《#麻將》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/mahjong/

EdwardYang's brilliant dark and critical comedy weaves together many characters shamelessly rapacious about money and sex in present-day Taipei. A gang of four avaricious youths share apartment space and women, and collaborate in scamming and hustling everyone who crosses their paths. A lost French girl, looking for a man who said he loved her, gets a crash course in emotional truths and lies. In a city where morality, friendship, and even kinship are trumped by the power of greed, the lovers are perhaps the only winners of the game.

MAHJONG: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/mahjong/

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