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The 35th HKIFF Announces Miriam Yeung as the Festival Ambassador Opening Film: Don't Go Breaking My Heart and Quattro Hong Kong 2|第35屆香港國際電影節公佈 電影節大使楊千嬅 開幕電影: 《單身男女》及《香港四重奏II》

24 February, 2011 (Hong Kong) – The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) today announced Miriam YEUNG as the ambassador of the 35 th Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF); and revealed the two opening films of this year: Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, the new work by the Hong Kong film industry’s renowned duo of Johnnie TO and WAI Ka-fai; and Quattro Hong Kong 2 , jointly directed by four award-winning filmmakers. Both films will premiere at a star-studded Opening Gala on 20 March 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and UA Cityplaza as the official kick-off of the 35 th HKIFF.

Today’s highly anticipated announcement was made at the 35 th HKIFF Official Hotel, the W Hong Kong. Wilfred WONG, Chairman of the HKIFFS, announced that as ambassador, Ms. Miriam YEUNG will assist in promoting the 35 th HKIFF to the public and many film fans.  With her characteristic humour, Miriam said, “I am pleased and grateful to have the opportunity and also thrilled to be invited as the ambassador of the 35 th HKIFF.  I’ve always thought that an
ambassador should bear the qualities or the appearance of a goddess.  So, I never thought it would be me! But seriously, I believe it is such a meaningful experience and I will do my best to promote HKIFF to the public. Following this year’s festival theme - Let’s Meet Here at the film festival! ”

Johnnie TO and WAI Ka-fai introduced their latest film to the media.  In Don't Go Breaking My Heart Louis KOO plays a high-flying playboy who has set his sights on a beautiful executive, GAO Yuanyuan.  But GAO is looking for a husband and meets Daniel WU, a talented yet depressed architect.  With a pretty cast and clever twists, this romantic comedy reveals the complicated yet passionate relationships of present day urbanites.  

Following the positive response to last year’s screenings of Quattro Hong Kong, HKIFFS has now produced Quattro Hong Kong 2.  

For Quattro Hong Kong 2, HKIFFS invited celebrated Southeast Asian directors to make individual short films in Hong Kong.  Thailand’s Apichatpong WEERASETHAKUL, the recent Cannes Golden Palm winner for Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives shot his episode M Hotelin Yau Ma Tei; Philippines director Brillante MENDOZA, awarded Best Director at Cannes for 2009’s Kinataybased his segment Purple on Hong Kong's Bauhinia flower and shot in Tai O and the city's famed
flower market; HO Yuhang from Malaysia worked with award winning WAI Ying-hung to make the comedy Open Verdict.  Hong Kong is represented by one of the territory’s most prominent filmmakers, Stanley KWAN, whose works such as 1988’s Rouge and 1992’s Centre Stage are considered Chinese-language classics.  Kwan's 13 Minutes in the Lives of…stars Gordon LAM and was shot on the return bus journey after viewing the computer animated scroll of Along the River During the Qingming Festival.

Wilfred WONG, Chairman of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society, said, “Johnnie TO and WAI Ka-fai are two of the most outstanding directors in Hong Kong and are also regarded as the best combination in the local film industry. We are honored to have the first romantic comedy that they have produced after almost a decade, as the opening film of 35 th HKIFF. I sincerely thank them, and the local film industry for making tremendous contributions and providing important support to the festival. Quattro Hong Kong 2 shows Hong Kong from the individual perspectives of world-acclaimed directors from around the region. It represents the Festival's ambition of creating a space where different cultures can meet and exchange creative ideas while also celebrating their individual identities."

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Fortissimo Films, HKIFF is proud to present a small retrospective of some of their most well-known titles, in recognition of its works in helping to promote Asian films as well as producing and funding cutting-edge titles around the world.

Mr WONG also gave special thanks and appreciation to the main sponsors and Official Partners of the 35 th HKIFF, which include Audi and W Hong Kong.  As one of the world’s leading automobile corporations, the core brand value of Audi
’Vorsprung durch Technik’ has contributed not just to automotive development but has also been strongly and untiringly committed to supporting art, cultural and charitable events.  The appearances of Audi in Hollywood action blockbusters like MissionImpossible, I-Robot, Iron Man, Transporter I &II, are just a few examples of Audi's prominence in the film industry worldwide.

Several Academy Awards nominated films have also been selected for this year's HKIFF programme offering an opportunity for all filmgoers to see the films soon after the awards ceremony.  Selections include: Winter’s Bone with 4 Academy Awards nominations, Best Picture, Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay), Best Actress and Best Actor in a Supporting Role; nominated for Best Actress in a Supporting Role Animal Kingdom; nominated for Best Animated Feature Film The Illusionist; nominated for Best Feature Documentary Inside Job and Waste Land; nominated for Best Documentary (Short Subject) The Warriors of Qiugang and nominated for Best Foreign Language Film Incendies. (For the full Awarded/Nominated Film List, please refer to the Appendix 2.)

The 35 th HKIFF runs from 20 March to 5 April, 2011.  Three hundred plus films from over 56 countries will be screened at 12 venues in Hong Kong, of which 59 are world, international or Asian premieres.

A full list of film titles can be viewed online at www.hkiff.org.hk.  Tickets for the 35 th HKIFF will be available to the public online or by post from 26 February, and from all URBTIX outlets from 10 March (please see Appendix 1). **** | [2011年2月24日]

(香港) 第35屆香港國際電影節(2011 年3月20日至4月5日)宣佈,楊千嬅小姐擔任本屆電影節大使,並公佈本屆兩部矚目的開幕電影﹕由香港電影界黃金組合杜琪峯、韋家輝合作的《單身男女》, 以及由四位享譽國際導演拍攝短片合組的《香港四重奏II》。兩部電影將在今年3月20日於香港會議展覽中心及UA太古城舉行星光熠熠的首映禮,為今年電影 節正式揭開序幕。

大會於今天假座第35屆香港國際電影節指定酒店 W Hong Kong舉行記者招待會。香港國際電影節協會主席王英偉太平紳士特別宣佈楊千嬅為本屆電影節大使,將第35屆香港國際電影節推廣給更多觀眾。電影節大使楊 千嬅風趣地表示:「很開心亦很榮幸有這個機會。獲邀成為電影節大使對我來說是一件很震撼的事情,因為我本以為國際電影節大使要有像女神一樣的形像,所以覺 得應該不會找我!無論如何我覺得這是一個蠻有意思的經驗,而我亦會全力配合宣揚本屆香港國際電影節,讓更多觀眾參與。約定各位電影節見,Let’s Meet Here!」

此外,開幕電影之一《單身男女》的香港黃金組合導演杜琪峯及監製、編劇韋家輝亦有出席,向傳媒介紹最新作品。花心賤男金融才子(古天樂),絕世好男 建築設計師(吳彥祖),優才來港工作的索女(高圓圓),三個都市典型譜出新世代三角戀,花心賤男與絕世好男的取捨該易如反掌,但愛情從不講理由,更不知愛 到最後鹿死誰手。繼《孤男寡女》及《瘦身男女》後,觀眾等足10年的又一深刻描劃都市情緣之作。

本屆電影節另一部開幕電影《香港四重奏II》,是去年於香港國際電影節首映之《香港四重奏》的延續。有見《香港四重奏》的成功,《香港四重奏II》 更衝出香港,找來三位東南亞得獎導演,包括泰國導演阿彼察邦韋拉斯花古、菲律賓導演布里楊文杜沙及馬來西亞導演何宇恒、聯同香港導演關錦鵬,拍下他們眼中 獨有的香港風情。阿彼察邦的《M酒店》,以他拿手的遊蕩,把油麻地轉化成神秘領域。文杜沙的《紫》,被香港的「原色」吸引,跑到大澳和花墟看繁華根源。何 宇恒的《天機洩》再找惠英紅拍檔,立意搞笑;香港緝私組收到堅料,嚴陣以待大馬重要人物帶貨闖關,不過甚麼時候,情報沒有透露。關錦鵬的《上河圖》不是清 明上河圖,而是13分鐘的香港長卷,在看完清明上河圖的回程巴士上真實時間拍攝,由林家棟助陣演出。

香港國際電影節協會主席王英偉太平紳士表示:「杜琪峯和韋家輝是香港其中最出色的兩位導演,亦是眾所周知的最佳組合 我們很榮幸能夠邀得兩位再次合作的都市愛情片成為開幕電影;而另一部開幕電影《香港四重奏II》更邀得4位亞洲大導拍出他們眼中的香港,結合多元文化,令電影節生色不少。」


王英偉主席亦於會上特別鳴謝本屆電影節的主要贊助商及指定合作夥伴,奧迪汽車及香港 W 酒店。奧迪汽車是世界最先進的汽車製造商之一,以突破科技、啟迪未來的品牌哲學,將結合藝術文化作為構建品牌的一個重要部分。奧迪一直積極支持世界頂級文 化藝術盛事及公益活動,參與多部荷里活電影,包括《職業特工隊》、《智能叛變》、《鐵甲奇俠》、《玩命快遞》及《玩命快遞2》等。

本屆電影節更精心挑選多部榮獲奧斯卡提名的電影,讓影迷先睹為快。展出作品包括榮獲奧斯卡四項提名:最佳影片、最佳改編劇本、最佳女主角及最佳男配 角的《凍死骨》、角逐最佳女配角的《野獸家族》、最佳動畫長片提名的《幻象師》、最佳紀錄長片提名的《呃錢帝國》及《荒原藝術》、最佳記錄短片提名的《仇 崗衛士》及競逐最佳外語片的《母親的告白》等共七套電影。尚有多齣揚威海外電影節的佳作於電影節期間放映,影迷絕對不容錯過。(詳見附錄2)


第35屆香港國際電影節節目詳情可於今天起在 www.hkiff.org.hk 瀏覽,並於本月26日起接受網上 ( www.hkiff.org.hk) 及郵購訂票, 3月10日起於各大城市電腦售票網公開發售。(請參閱附錄1)

今年電影節首次製作iPhone App手機程式,免費提供節目詳情和宣傳片。香港國際電影節iPhone App可於iPhone內置的App Store內免費下載。| [2011年2月24日]

(香港) 第35届香港国际电影节(2011 年3月20日至4月5日)宣佈,杨千嬅小姐担任本届电影节大使,并公佈本届两部瞩目的开幕电影﹕由香港电影界黄金组合杜琪峯、韦家辉合作的《单身男女》,以及由四位享誉国际导演拍摄短片合组的《香港四重奏II》。两部电影将在今年3月20日于香港会议展览中心及UA太古城举行星光熠熠的首映礼,为今年电影节正式揭开序幕。 大会于今天假座第35届香港国际电影节指定酒店 W Hong Kong举行记者招待会。香港国际电影节协会主席王英伟太平绅士特别宣佈杨千嬅为本届电影节大使,将第35届香港国际电影节推广给更多观众。电影节大使杨千嬅风趣地表示:「很开心亦很荣幸有这个机会。获邀成为电影节大使对我来说是一件很震撼的事情,因为我本以为国际电影节大使要有像女神一样的形像,所以觉得应该不会找我!无论如何我觉得这是一个蛮有意思的经验,而我亦会全力配合宣扬本届香港国际电影节,让更多观众参与。约定各位电影节见,Let’s Meet Here!」 此外,开幕电影之一《单身男女》的香港黄金组合导演杜琪峯及监製、编剧韦家辉亦有出席,向传媒介绍最新作品。花心贱男金融才子(古天乐),绝世好男建筑设计师(吴彦祖),优才来港工作的索女(高圆圆),三个都市典型谱出新世代三角恋,花心贱男与绝世好男的取捨该易如反掌,但爱情从不讲理由,更不知爱到最后鹿死谁手。继《孤男寡女》及《瘦身男女》后,观众等足10年的又一深刻描划都市情缘之作。 本届电影节另一部开幕电影《香港四重奏II》,是去年于香港国际电影节首映之《香港四重奏》的延续。有见《香港四重奏》的成功,《香港四重奏II》更冲出香港,找来三位东南亚得奖导演,包括泰国导演阿彼察邦韦拉斯花古、菲律宾导演布里杨文杜沙及马来西亚导演何宇恒、联同香港导演关锦鹏,拍下他们眼中独有的香港风情。阿彼察邦的《M酒店》,以他拿手的游荡,把油麻地转化成神秘领域。文杜沙的《紫》,被香港的「原色」吸引,跑到大澳和花墟看繁华根源。何宇恒的《天机洩》再找惠英红拍档,立意搞笑;香港缉私组收到坚料,严阵以待大马重要人物带货闯关,不过甚麽时候,情报没有透露。关锦鹏的《上河图》不是清明上河图,而是13分钟的香港长卷,在看完清明上河图的回程巴士上真实时间拍摄,由林家栋助阵演出。 香港国际电影节协会主席王英伟太平绅士表示:「杜琪峯和韦家辉是香港其中最出色的两位导演,亦是众所周知的最佳组合 我们很荣幸能够邀得两位再次合作的都市爱情片成为开幕电影;而另一部开幕电影《香港四重奏II》更邀得4位亚洲大导拍出他们眼中的香港,结合多元文化,令电影节生色不少。」 此外,今年是Fortissimo公司的20周年,为了肯定它推广亚洲电影及製作新锐电影的贡献,今年国际电影节特别选映多部 Fortissimo的难忘佳作,让观众大饱眼福,兼为它踏入20周年志庆。 王英伟主席亦于会上特别鸣谢本届电影节的主要赞助商及指定合作伙伴,奥迪汽车及香港 W 酒店。奥迪汽车是世界最先进的汽车製造商之一,以突破科技、启迪未来的品牌哲学,将结合艺术文化作为构建品牌的一个重要部分。奥迪一直积极支持世界顶级文化艺术盛事及公益活动,参与多部荷里活电影,包括《职业特工队》、《智能叛变》、《铁甲奇侠》、《玩命快递》及《玩命快递2》等。 本届电影节更精心挑选多部荣获奥斯卡提名的电影,让影迷先睹为快。展出作品包括荣获奥斯卡四项提名:最佳影片、最佳改编剧本、最佳女主角及最佳男配角的《冻死骨》、角逐最佳女配角的《野兽家族》、最佳动画长片提名的《幻象师》、最佳纪录长片提名的《呃钱帝国》及《荒原艺术》、最佳记录短片提名的《仇岗卫士》及竞逐最佳外语片的《母亲的告白》等共七套电影。尚有多齣扬威海外电影节的佳作于电影节期间放映,影迷绝对不容错过。(详见附录2) 本届电影节将于今年3月20日至4月5日期间举行,网罗来自56个国家超过250部电影,于香港12个主要场地放映,当中59部电影乃世界、国际或亚洲首映。 第35届香港国际电影节节目详情可于今天起在 www.hkiff.org.hk 浏览,并于本月26日起接受网上 ( www.hkiff.org.hk) 及邮购订票, 3月10日起于各大城市电脑售票网公开发售。(请参阅附录1) 今年电影节首次製作iPhone App手机程式,免费提供节目详情和宣传片。香港国际电影节iPhone App可于iPhone内置的App Store内免费下载。

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009