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The 5th Asian Film Awards - “Unforgettable Moment” Video Competition|「第五屆亞洲電影大獎 -- 瞬間永記短片比賽」|「第五届亚洲电影大奖 -- 瞬间永记短片比赛」

To celebrate the 5th Asian Film Awards (AFA), the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS “the Organiser”) invites amateur video fans to take part in the 5th Asian Film Awards – “Unforgettable Moment” Video Competition (“the Competition”).

The “Unforgettable Moment” is the moment that you remember forever – it may have been the moment when you felt true love, or the moment which defines your life, or just the moment when you felt happiest…or sad.
If you have experienced the “Unforgettable Moment”, put it on a ONE MINUTE VIDEO AND SEND IT TO US! You could be eligible for an unforgettable experience at the Asian Film Awards night of stars and celebrities!

Entries will be eligible for inclusion in the AFA promotion trailers to be shown at various shopping malls in Hong Kong. Entrants whose clips are included in the trailers will be recognised as the “Director’s Choice”, and will be invited to attend the 5th Asian Film Awards Ceremony in Hong Kong on 21 March 2011.

For each week during the three weeks from 18 March to 7 April 2011, a new batch of video will be shortlisted and open for public online voting. Each week, the entrant receiving the highest number of votes during that week will be named the “People’s Choice of the Week”. A grand award -- the “Unforgettable Moment Video Award” will be selected from the three (3) “People’s Choice Awards” by the Selection Panel.

Action! Now, you can be a director too! Submit your video with the theme of ‘Unforgettable Moment’, the submission closes on 7 March 2011.More info here - http://video.asianfilmawards.asia/ | 為宣傳第五屆亞洲電影大獎,香港國際電影節協會誠邀業餘短片製作發燒友參與「第五屆亞洲電影大獎 -- 瞬間永記短片比賽」。

你曾否有「瞬間永記」的經歷,例如情深愛過、人生蛻變、滿足快樂,又或者是失落哀痛?如你有此難忘經驗,何不以一分鐘的短片把你瞬間永記的經歷紀錄 下來並參加「第五屆亞洲電影大獎 -「瞬間永記」短片比賽」。你可能有機會出席星光熠熠的《亞洲電影大獎頒獎禮》,體驗另一個瞬間永記的經歷。



請即行動,發揮你的編導才能 -- 以「瞬間永記」為題製作你的精采短片,並於3月7日前提交!更多: - http://video.asianfilmawards.asia/| 为宣传第五届亚洲电影大奖,香港国际电影节协会诚邀业馀短片製作发烧友参与「第五届亚洲电影大奖 -- 瞬间永记短片比赛」。 你曾否有「瞬间永记」的经历,例如情深爱过、人生蜕变、满足快乐,又或者是失落哀痛?如你有此难忘经验,何不以一分钟的短片把你瞬间永记的经历纪录下来并参加「第五届亚洲电影大奖 -「瞬间永记」短片比赛」。你可能有机会出席星光熠熠的《亚洲电影大奖颁奖礼》,体验另一个瞬间永记的经历。 参赛作品有机会被选用作剪辑为第五届亚洲电影大奖宣传短片于多个商场、亚洲电影大奖之网站及其合作伙伴之网站播放,被选取作品之参赛者会被邀出席于本年3月21日在香港举行之《第五届亚洲电影大奖颁奖礼》,体会另一个难忘的经验。 参赛作品亦会有机会被选作网上投票,网上投票将于3月18日至4月7日分三批进行。每星期将选出获最多选票之参赛作品,并颁予〈网上人气奖〉;其后主办单位将由三名〈网上人气奖〉中选出〈瞬间永记短片大奖〉一名。 请即行动,发挥你的编导才能 -- 以「瞬间永记」为题製作你的精采短片,并于3月7日前提交!更多: - http://video.asianfilmawards.asia/

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sweet. i'll let our 1 Minute Film Festival competitors know!
接近 14 年 ago


Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009