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The Unbeatable Summer International Film Festival 2013 Closing Film Young & Beautiful|夏日國際電影節2013將以《激戰》開幕 閉幕電影《我要…17歲》

18 July 2013 (Hong Kong) ― The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) announced the full programme of Summer International Film Festival (SIFF) 2013 today, opening with Unbeatable, the latest action drama from Hong Kong director Dante LAM Chiu-Yin that is set to win audiences in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

The Opening Ceremony and Premiere will be held on 13 August 2013 at The Grand Cinema in the presence of director Dante LAM Chiu-Yin and the film’s star-studded cast, including superstar Nick CHEUNG (Nightfall), pop heartthrob Eddie PENG (Jump Ashin!) and talented actresses Crystal LEE (The Viral Factor). Director and stars will meet the audience at the screening.

Young & Beautiful, the latest provocative work by François OZON (director of In The House) and a 2013 Cannes Film Festival Competition selection, will close the Festival. The festival will also feature three fantasy love movies from Japan, The Apology King, starring ABE Sadawo (Maiko Haaaan!!!) and directed by MIZUTA Nobuo; Maruyama, the Middle Schooler, written and directed by the critically acclaimed screenwriter KUDO Kankuro and Blindly in Love, starring HOSHINO Gen, Kaho, and directed by ICHII Masahide.

Other highlights include: Camille Claudel 1915, starring Juliette BINOCHE, Real, with AYASE Haruka, the premiere of Woody ALLEN’s latest work Blue Jasmine – marking his return to the United States (this time, in San Francisco rather than his native New York), after his film forays in Barcelona, Paris and Rome; and Jane CAMPION’s latest title, the mysterious Top of the Lake. The Stone Roses: Made of Stone, an insightful documentary chronicling the English band’s genesis, their successes, the breakup, and their eventual reunion, will be featured in the brand new Rock, Punk & Wine section, alongside with the Red Obsession, a must-see film for all wine lovers. Filmed in France, Hong Kong and China, the documentary follows the rise of Bordeaux wines to the top of the wine lovers’ and auction houses’ lists, and the huge growth in demand for red wine in China.

Cine Fan August Programme Announced

The HKIFF Cine Fan August Programme will feature a selection of the best films by the Iranian master, Abbas KIAROSTAMI, who visited Hong Kong in May, including Where is the Friend’s Home?, And Life Goes On…, Through the Olive Trees, Taste of Cherry and The Wind Will Carry Us. The Cine Fan retrospectives will pay tribute to OSHIMA Nagisa, who passed away early this year, by screening four of his titles, including Boy, The Ceremony, Violence at Night Noon and Band of Ninja. The August programme will also present one of the top 10 must-see films of all time, Stanley KUBRICK’s enigmatic masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey and the restored cinéma vérité classic, Chronicle of a Summer.

“We are pleased this year to present premieres of some of the best in contemporary cinema in the SIFF – from Woody ALLEN to Francois OZON, and documentaries such as Red Obsessions which is truly relevant and current in our part of the world,” commented Roger GARCIA, Executive Director of the HKIFFS. “At the same time, our Cine Fan repertory August programme gives our audiences a chance to experience some of the great cinemas of the past. KIAROSTAMI had a great reception from our audiences when he visited Hong Kong recently, and NAGISA Oshima spent time with us in Hong Kong in the 1980s – good memories and great film-going experiences.”

The SIFF 2013 will run from 13 to 27 August, screening 21 films from 9 countries and regions. The full programme can be viewed at www.hkiff.org.hk. The full Cine Fan August Programme can be viewed at www.cinefan.com.hk. Tickets will be available at www.urbtix.hk online and URBTIX outlets from 22 July.|

2013年7月18日(香港)― 香港國際電影節協會今天公佈夏日國際電影節2013的節目,兩岸三地影人合作的話題作《激戰》將以開幕電影姿態亮相。

開幕典禮及首映已定於2012年8月13日在The Grand Cinema舉行,出席嘉賓陣容鼎盛,包括導演林超賢和幾位《激戰》的演員—影帝張家輝(《大追捕》)、人氣偶像彭于晏(《翻滾吧!阿信》)及實力派演員李馨巧(《逆戰》),將於首映禮上跟觀眾見面。

閉幕電影方面,將選映法蘭索瓦奧桑繼《偷戀隔籬媽》後,再次充滿挑釁味道的《我 要…17歲》,該片亦是2013康城影展競賽電影。此外電影節亦搜羅了3部日本的瘋狂浪漫喜劇,分別有由阿部貞夫(《舞妓哈哈哈》)主演,水田伸生執導的 《謝罪王》、名劇作家宮藤官九郎執導的《初中生自舔夢》及由星野源、夏帆主演,巿井昌秀導演的《盲女愛宅男》。

其他精選節目包括:由茱麗葉庇洛仙主演的《卡蜜兒的最後歲月》、綾瀨遙主演的 《真夢戀人》、繼巴塞隆拿、巴黎和羅馬後再次出擊的活地阿倫新作《情迷藍茉莉》及珍甘比茵耐人尋味的《迷湖劫》;而「樂與酒」單元則精選了介紹英國傳奇樂 隊The Stone Roses的音樂傳記片《石玫瑰再臨》,以及酒徒必看,拆解中國紅酒市場崛起的紀錄片《紅酒瘋》,絕對是搖滾、紅酒與電影的夢幻組合。


                              同期舉行的電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine 

Fan)8月節目,將有曾於5月訪港的伊朗大師基阿魯斯達米的經典重溫,包括《踏破鐵鞋無覓處》、《春風吹又生》、《橄欖樹下的情人》、《櫻桃的滋味》及 《風再起時》。同時為紀念年初逝世的大島渚,選映他的四部代表作︰《少年》、《儀式》、《忍者武藝帳》及《白晝的色魔》。此外還有科幻電影經典《2001 太空漫遊》及「真實電影」(cinéma vérité) 經典作,《夏日紀事》的修復版,節目精彩不容錯過。

香港國際電影節協會主席高思雅表示:「很高興今年的電影節能首映由活地阿倫及法 蘭索瓦奧桑等執導的世界頂級作品,又有《紅酒瘋》等高質素的紀錄片。同時電影節發燒友8月節目將有早前訪港大受歡迎的伊朗大師基阿魯斯達米經典重溫,以及 向曾於80年代訪港的電影大師大島渚致敬。」

夏日國際電影節2013將於8月13日至27日舉行,一共放映21部來自9個國家及地區的電影,欲了解節目詳情,請瀏覽官方網頁 www.hkiff.org.hk;而電影節發燒友8月節目,可瀏覽 www.cinefan.com.hk,門票將於7月22日起在網上 www.urbtix.hk及城市電腦售票處公開發售。

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009