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?銀幕再現:《#驚天大刺殺》 ?Back to the Screen: #JFK

網上流傳,特朗普與約翰甘迺迪竟有驚人相似之處:用人唯親、與蘇聯有秘密聯繫、對妻子不忠……陰謀論滿天飛,要數陰謀論經典,則非奧利華史東莫屬。以尖銳大膽角度切入甘迺迪遇刺敏感政治題材,細節龐雜卻層次分明。奇雲高士拿飾演檢察官,鍥而不捨追查到底,揭開背後政商黑勾結的黑幕。史東最得意的畢生代表作,勇奪奧斯卡最佳攝影及剪接獎。若大導為特朗普作傳,肯定是另一部話題作。 9 月10日映後談,影評人朗天談到史東透過凌厲剪接,將真實新聞片、主角查案經過、證人論述及案件重演四個層次融合渾然一體,借真人真事作政治宣言,鼓勵下一代勇於追尋真相。 《驚天大刺殺》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/jfk/

Online rumor says Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy are more similar than you think – nepotic, secretly associated with the Kremlin, unfaithful to his wife…Conspiracy theory is taken to new heights by the notorious Olivier Stone, who delivered the most accomplished and controversial film of his career with this epic investigation into the assassination of JFK. His kaleidoscopic frenzy of film stocks, flashbacks and courtroom testimonies earned the film Oscars for both Cinematography and Editing. What would it be like, if Stone is gonna film Trump?

In the post-screening talk on 10 Sep, critic Long Tin said that Stone’s powerful editing is a juxtaposition of four layers – news footage, inspector’s investigation, witnesses’ testimonies and re-enactment seamlessly into the narrative, compelling viewers to re-examine many of their revered beliefs about America’s past. JFK: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/jfk/

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