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?? 週末嘆杯cappuccino睇 Cine Italiano! ? ☕ Dolce Vita with Cine Italiano! ??

週末放假最好約埋三五amici ,嘆杯意大利咖啡睇套 #CineItaliano! 好戲。喜愛Espresso 的可選《#西西里離奇綁架》和《#一個快樂的傳說》,戲味濃郁帶點苦澀,回甘良久不散;鍾意Cappuccino的可揀《耳邊瘋》和《純愛只是傳說》,看現實如幻覺,夢想如泡沫;愛Macchiato的推薦《真情有限耆》及《幸運是她》,同樣濃香醇厚,淡淡溫情留餘韻;Affogato 雪糕咖啡愛好者則可選《狼心性教慾》及《小學雞起革命》,又熱又凍甜中帶甘,看青春少艾的美麗與躁動。

在9月20日《西西里離奇綁架》的映後談,導演法比奧加薩當尼亞及安東尼奧皮亞沙談到兩人成長於西西里島的巴勒莫,對故鄉有深厚感情,但對當地黑社會橫行極為憤慨。他們改編家鄉的真人真事,在編劇過程中摻入了魔幻童話的元素,希望以光影造夢。 http://www.cine-italiano.hk/

In this leisure weekend, what’s better than sipping a coffee with friends and watching a great film of Cine Italiano? SICILIAN GHOST STORY and LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL are recommended for espresso lovers, both leave a strong bittersweet aftertaste for their stories of cruel reality mixing with comedy and fantasy; Cappuccino buff can pick EARS and PURE HEARTS, with a mystical foam blurring dream, hope and reality; those prefer Macchiato should watch TENDERNESS and FORTUNATA for their empathy and affection in face of a challenging life; and Affogato connoisseur would adore the multiple flavors of youth, turbulent yet beautiful, in CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT and THE WAR OF THE YOKELS.

In the post-screening talk of SICILIAN GHOST STORY on Sep 20, directors Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza said the film took its inspiration from real events in their hometown of Palermo, Sicily where mafia is rampant. During the antagonistic yet enjoyable process of scriptwriting, they interweave fairy tales into the story, and hope to live their dreams in films. http://www.cine-italiano.hk/

sicilianghoststory #lifeisbeautiful

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