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【#CineFan – 會員夏日熱身場 Summer Exclusive Preview】


?After watching TULLY last night, it's time to prepare for your SummerIFF movie marathon starting from next week!

?️節目詳情及購票 Programme details & Ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/

??‍♂️申請入會 Join Cine Fan: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/privilege-scheme/

夏日國際電影節 #SummerIFF

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 奇幻日韓 Fantastic East】

日韓猛將當然不止惡搞野郎和和犬屋敷,以下紅人不容忽視: ??#菅田將暉:快將超越人類極限,一邊在《棟篤雙星血肉史》搞gag,另一邊在《啊,荒野》飛越2021到新宿的人性荒原,以拳頭擊潰絕望與困局,地球人已無法阻止他狂掃影帝獎 ??#柳俊烈:與一眾重磅韓星強勢出擊,改編自杜琪峯《毒戰》的《毒戰寒流》辣上加辣 ??#矢口史靖:喜歡他的撲水少年或搖擺少女,更要看《13百搭之一鏡映畫》

Besides the Bastard and Inuyashiki, you can’t neglect these 3 influential names:
??#SudaMasaki: simply unbeatable, taking the spotlight with two hits - SPARK as a comedian, and WILDERNESS as a street thug who pursues boxing to fight against the doomed society in 2021 - sweeping most of the Best Actor awards in Japan ?...Read more

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??「《#邊境奇聞》在康城影展期間受到各界關注,外國媒體預告電影勢成又一經典,又大讚其顛覆了同類作品的套路,結合浪漫、黑色喜劇、現實主義和恐怖元素,幾乎一面倒絕好評。」? 本片贏得2018年康城影展「一種關注」大獎。

?️節目及購票詳情 Programme and ticketing info: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/border/

夏日國際電影節 #CineFan #SummerIFF #Border

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 信仰與救贖 Faith and Salvation】

?《少年的祈禱》、《牧師的最後誘惑》、《教宗知行錄》 ✝️上帝是否存在?安東尼巴尚演的吸毒少年上了祈禱的癮,能否得救未可知,柏林影帝寶座早已袋袋平安;伊芬鶴健演的牧師飽受靈魂折磨,以激烈方式尋求救贖,直衝威尼斯影展;最後還看教宗方濟各,在大師雲溫達斯鏡頭下直接與神和人對話,以聖言跨越人間信仰,感召眾生。

?THE PRAYER, FIRST REFORMED and POPE FRANCIS – A MAN OF HIS WORD ✝️Does God exist? To a drug addict who transforms into an atoning altar boy, or a disturbed pastor who resolves for a savage redemption, yes or no may be all too simple; for a possible answer, look to Pope Francis under Wim Wenders’ candid camera – watching him speak to those in need, you ...Read more

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 余香凝推介 Jennifer’s Picks】

電影節青年大使 余香凝 Jennifer Yu 又有好片推介啦~? Our Youth Ambassador Jennifer has two more recommendations for us. Check it out!

學生票只需28元 #多謝創意香港全力支持

StudentTicket28dollars #ThanksToCreateHK

?節目詳情及購票 Programme details and ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/


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機會難得!valuable chance! ??‍♀️??‍♂️

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 游學修推介 Neo Yau’s Choice】

青年大使 游學修 Neo Yau,今次向大家推介一部韓國賣座電影! Our Youth Ambassador Neo Yau recommends a film which claimed Korean box office No.1!

學生票只需28元 #多謝創意香港全力支持

StudentTicket28dollars #ThanksToCreateHK

?節目詳情及購票Programme details and ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/believer/


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【#CineFan – 九、十月門票現正發售!Sep/Oct Tickets on Sale NOW!】 http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/period/2018-zh-hant/sep-oct-zh-hant/

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【#CineFan – 九、十月門票今日發售!Sep/Oct Tickets on Sale Today!】

?高溫延續,今日開始另一浪撲飛熱潮;除熱門經典,別走漏眼以下好戲~~ ?褒曼的「沉默三部曲」、巔峰作《假面》,及與英格烈褒曼唯一合作的《秋天奏鳴曲》 ?法庭內外真相辯證:《怪屋疑雲》、《碧姬芭鐸浪漫史》、哥斯達加拉斯的《大控訴》 ?寃獄風雲經典:《午夜快車》及《因父之名》

?Another hot wave for ticket sales begins! Besides the hot picks, don’t miss out the following great choices: ?Ingmar Bergman masterpieces: the “Silence of God Trilogy”, PERSONA, and AUTUMN SONATA (his only collaboration with Ingrid Bergman) ?Courtroom thrillers: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, THE TRUTH (featuring Brigitte Bardot) and Costa-Gavras’ MUSIC BOX ?Prison film...Read more

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?同時購買兩場或以上之正價門票可享七折優惠,即是只需$105就可以看足五小時 ?

節目及購票詳情 Programme and ticketing info http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/wilderness-part-one/ http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/wilderness-part-two/

夏日國際電影節 #菅田將暉 #CineFan #SummerIF...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009