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?【每日影訊】每一位看完《小美》後的觀眾,急不及待想問的問題,相信是:究竟小美是誰?她在想什麼?繼星期一於電影節開幕典禮及當晚的亞洲首映亮相後,黃榮昇聯同兩位演員 — 演繹小美的饒星星和房東的陳以文,在3月20日第二場放映後,一同出席答問環節。點擊以下圖片,閱讀當晚詳細紀錄。

?[Festival Daily] Who is Xiao Mei? What is she thinking? The questions echoing throughout Maren Hwang’s debut feature XIAO MEI which opened this year’s HKIFF, continued to resonate in its second screening last night. In a literal sense, Jao Cincin — the actress playing the drug-addicted heroine of the title—was standing alongside Hwang and another cast member Chen Yi-wen ready to answer questions from the audience.

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?【每日影訊】《嘉年華》去年於威尼斯影展首映後在各地屢獲殊榮,現在來到香港國際電影節競逐火鳥大獎。於3月20日在理工大學賽馬會綜藝館首場放映後,金馬獎最佳導演文晏與觀眾交流。點擊以下圖片,閱讀當晚詳細紀錄。 ▶️下場放映︰3月31日(六) 中午12:00 The Grand Cinema

?[Festival Daily] Shortlisted for Young Cinema Competition of the HKIFF Firebird Awards, ANGELS WEAR WHITE has been reaping awards ever since its premiere at last year’s Venice Film Festival, including Golden Horse Award Best Director. Director Vivian Qu greeted audiences after the HKIFF’s first screening on 20 March. Click the pics below for full article. ▶️Next Screening: 31 Mar (Sat) 12:00 The Grand Cinema

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?【#CineFan】華納荷索,停不了的瘋狂! Don’t Stop Being Crazy with Werner Herzog!

神級導演荷索首次訪港掀起一陣旋風,大師班的精闢訪談固然令影迷如癡如醉,連走訪旺角街市都被眼利街坊野生捕獲!除了在電影節期間可以欣賞到其新作及四部經典外,意猶未盡的影迷更可在Cine Fan四至五月節目與荷索繼續瘋狂!多部獲獎的精彩紀錄片源源不絕,包括《#綠蟻夢鄉》、《#小小迪特想要飛》及《#熊人》;獲提名奧斯卡的《#冰中漫行》;與寇斯金斯基最後合作的《#綠色眼鏡蛇》;更可以一併欣賞《#陸上行舟》及紀錄其製作過程的《#夢的負累》。買齊所有門票,人一世,總要瘋狂幾次,才對得住自己!

Werner Herzog, in his first visit to Hong Kong, has stirred up a delirious fever among fans, who are enchanted by his charismatic talk at the Master Class and his masterpieces. Cine Fan Apr/May programme will continue this infectious fever, presenti...Read more

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[Festival Daily] At his Master Class held on 20 March, Werner Herzog inspired audience members with his ecstatic truth and extraordinary vision, unfolding with his unique sense of humor. Despite his reputation of taking his filmmaking to extremes, Herzog clarified that he is a prudent professional, and “the only clinically sane director” on earth. Click the pics below and read more about that night.

?每日影訊 Festival...Read more

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?️【#HKIFF42】 睇好戲,嬴大獎!由3月19日起,至4月2日,電影節觀眾可於網上投票,選出你最喜歡的幾部 HKIFF42 選映電影,並參加抽獎。豐富禮品包括 Cine Fan 電影節發燒友2019年贊助會籍及acer 筆記本電腦NITRO 5。?? 溫馨提示:記得保留票尾! . Vote for your favorite HKIFF42 selected film(s) online and you may win Cine Fan Patron Privilege 2019 or/and acer laptop NITRO 5. ?? REMINDER: keep your ticket stubs! . ✅ 投票網址 Where to vote? ?? www.hkiff.org.hk/promotion/audiencechoiceaward.html

✨感謝 Thanks to 余香凝 Jennifer Yu & 葉童 Cecilia Yip

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?【每日影訊】《盛情款待》繼前日為電影節揭開序幕後,在3月20日於The Grand 放映第二場。導演陳鈺杰聯同三位主角田中麗奈、王柏傑及姚淳耀出席映後談,現場反應熱烈,更有觀衆興奮表示是田中麗奈的小影迷超過20年呢!想重溫映後談的精彩内容,可瀏覽「每日影訊」。 《盛情款待》加開場次將於4月7日晚上7:00於星影匯放映。

OMOTENASHI, which opened HKIFF42, returned for a second screening at The Grand with the Taiwanese director Jay Chern and cast members Tanaka Rena, Wang Po-Chieh and Yao Chun-Yao attending. The four remained afterward to answer questions from the audience. Find out what they said in Q&A on our Festival Daily. Last screening to be held on 7 April, 7:00 pm, at The Metroplex.

?每日影訊 Festival Da...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】香港國際電影節明天就開始了!「古仔」古天樂提提你記得買票看戲~ 買了開幕電影《盛情款待》及《小美》的觀眾,明天見~!! 沒買票的,快關注我們的 Facebook 和 Instagram,即時看開幕典禮現場直擊 ?

Let the festival begin tomorrow! We are looking forward to watching two opening films, OMOTENASHI & XIAO MEI, and meeting the directors and cast. Like our Facebook & Instagram, so you won't miss any precious moment from the red carpet and ceremony! Our ambassador Louis Koo reminds everyone to act fast and grab your tickets before they are sold out.

? www.hkiff.org.hkRead more

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恭喜日本導演石井裕也憑《#東京夜空最深藍》榮獲第12屆亞洲電影大獎最佳導演,《#五星級選戰》編劇 Mayank Tewari 及阿密特馬素卡奪最佳編劇獎,張艾嘉憑《#相愛相親》獲得影后殊榮,以及憑《#明月幾時有》榮獲最佳原創音樂的久石讓!前兩部片去年在HKIFF舉辦亞洲首映,而《相愛相親》和《明月幾時有》是今屆電影節的「香港電影面面觀2017-18」選映電影。之前錯過了公映的朋友,不要再錯過了!新鮮出爐影帝兼HKIFF42大使 #古天樂,明天電影節開幕禮見!

The 12nd Asian Film Awards were held last night. Ishii Yuya won the Best Director Award with THE TOKYO NIGHT SKY IS ALWAYS THE DENSEST SHADE OF BLUE; Mayank Tewari and Amit V Masurkar got the Best Screenplay with NEWTON. Both films had their Asian premieres at HKIFF41 last year. Congratulations to Sylvia Chang winning the Best Actre...Read more

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恭喜HKIFF42大使「古仔」 #古天樂 憑去年 #夏日國際電影節 開幕電影《殺破狼・貪狼》榮獲第12屆 #亞洲電影大獎 最佳男主角! Congratulations to our festival ambassador Louis Koo for winning Best Actor Award at the 12th Asian Film Awards by PARADOX, which is the opening film of our Summer International Film Festival last year.

Asian Film Awards 亞洲電影大獎 #AFA #12AFA #summeriff17 #paradox #殺破狼貪狼

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?【#HKIFF42】畫聖的精神:宮崎駿及葛飾北齋 ? The Spirit of Masters: Hayao Miyazaki & Hokusai

HKIFF 與 NHK WORLD 合作,選映以兩位日本藝術巨匠為題的紀錄片:《永不言倦的人:宮崎駿》,紀錄當代動漫大師 #宮崎駿 復出,以百分百精神和熱情,首次以CGI 科技創作全新動畫的過程;《#消失的北齋》則記述日本匠人糅合傳統技法與最新科技,復原江戶時代浮世繪名家葛飾北齋的最後一幅傳世傑作《須佐之男命厄神退治之圖》。3月24日在The Grand Cinema分別於2:30 pm 及 6:00 pm放映,免費入場❗❗

HKIFF and NHK World jointly present two documentaries about two of Japan’s most distinguished masters – NEVER-ENDING MAN: HAYAO MIYAZAKI is a portrait of the Oscar-winning film director and animator who embarks on a new artistic endeavor to draft his first CGI fi...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009