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【#HKIFF42】 《#家在蘭若寺》一票難求,小編今日有幸率先體驗呢部HTC全球首部華語VR 電影,即時同大家滙報!大導蔡明亮同影帝演員李康生親在現場監督,更驚喜係潘迪華姐姐和林嘉欣都一齊黎欣賞!戴上HTC VIVE 特製的VR headset,猶如置身拍攝現場,可以360度環迴觀看每一個角落。感覺好像李康生就在面前,伸手就可以觸到佢!外面滂沱大雨,見到地面濕溼溼,小編更不自覺地縮一縮腳!正如潘迪華姐姐所講,睇呢部戲嘅觀眾不能偷懶,既要望左望右主動探索空間,更要發揮無窮想像力。小編十分期待4月2日蔡明亮同李康生出席大師班,到時可以了解佢地嶄新嘅創作體驗。搶到飛嘅觀眾,真係令人羡慕又妒忌!

The most demanded film of this year’s HKIFF, #TheDeserted, HTC’s first virtual reality (VR) Chinese language film, opens today! Taiwanese master Tsai Ming-Liang and leading actor Lee Kang-Sheng are there to lead the Hong Kong audience through an unparalleled eye-open...Read more

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【#HKIFF42】 林青霞:「我永遠不會忘記我是從台灣起步的,台灣是孕育我的地方,我是台灣的女兒;香港令我成長茁壯,給我很多機會,把我變成東方不敗的代言人,也從來沒有把我當外人,我成為了香港的妻子;而到後期,我到大陸出外景,那是我父母成長的地方,那裡有我的親人,所以我是大陸的親戚。」

Brigitte Lin: "I would never forget that Taiwan is the place that nurtured me. I’m always Taiwan’s daughter. Whereas Hong Kong is the place that offered me many opportunities and never treated me as an outsider. I have, in fact, become Hong Kong’s wife. In recent years, I often go to Mainland China for location shooting and it’s the place where my parents were born and my relatives live. Mainland China is, theref...Read more

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今天有兩個影迷獲得女神抱抱,大概一個月都不用洗澡了! I bet these two lucky fans won't take shower for a month after getting big hugs from Brigitte.

林青霞 #HKIFF #HKIFF42 #brigittelin

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講座開始啦~從出道作《窗外》開始講,說到台灣的愛情片⋯ 林青霞突然對好友「告白」:「我愛你,施南生!求你別再說我愛你、我愛你了!」到底美人何出此言?想重溫講座的精彩內容,可留意本頁更新。

Who's here at the Face-to-Face seminar and heard Brigitte Lin saying "I LOVE YOU, Nansun"? If you wonder what else she said in the seminar, stay tuned for our updates.

林青霞 #施南生 #brigittelin #nansunshi #HKIFF #hkiff42

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排隊見青霞姐姐既人龍差不多環繞文化中心二樓一圈!仲有20分鐘,講座就開始喇! 20 mins to go until the seminar begins. And it's just part of the queue! #brigittelin #林青霞 #hkiff #hkiff42

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【#HKIFF42】 《#被陽光移動的山脈》導演 #王強 正接受媒體訪問,提到西藏一般出現在電影的形象都是大家想像中的樣子:「藍天白雲啊,壯闊山原啊」,可是他更想拍的是在美麗風景背後普通人的樸素生活。我們的編輯也訪問了導演,請留意 #每日影訊 的更新。《陽》下一場放映在明天晚上7:30康怡戲院。 . Wang Qiang, director of SUNSHINE THAT CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS, said most films focus on the nature's beauty while portraying Tibet, but he would like to tell stories of the ordinary people beyond the beautiful scenery. Stay tuned for our updates on #FestivalDaily. Next screening: 7:30 pm at Kornhill Grand Cinema tomorrow. .

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF #HKIFFcollection #sunshinethatcanmovemountains #wangqiang

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【#HKIFF42】 仲有48個鐘,觀眾票選大獎投票截止喇!想全年免費睇電影節既戲,或者贏部laptop?記得投票同保留飛尾!

48 hours left. Cast a vote and join the lucky draw. You may get to watch all HKIFF screenings for free next year, or get a new laptop! Remember to keep your ticket stub to prove that you have watched that award-winning film!

??投票網頁 Where to vote? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/promotion/audiencechoiceaward.html

HKIFF #香港國際電影節

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??#少女邂逅 派postcard現場,條人龍長到見唔到龍尾呀! Look at the long line here after the screening of GIRLS’ ENCOUNTER!

hkiff #hkiff42 #香港國際電影節 #保紫萌香 #モトーラ世理奈 #枝優花 #edayuka #motolaserena #moekahoshi #girlsencounter

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?【#HKIFF42】你愛呀?你愛就要講啦!呢10幾日睇咗邊套好戲,唔好收收埋埋,上網投票話我地知!觀眾票選大獎4月2號中午截止,投票之餘仲有機會嬴Cine Fan電影節發燒友2019年會籍或 Acer 手提電腦!

Don't keep it to yourself if you like some of the HKIFF42 selections! Vote online, so your favorite may win the Audience Choice Award. You may also get a Cine Fan Privilege 2019 / #acer laptop as a late Easter present.

http://www.hkiff.org.hk/promotion/audiencechoiceaward.html ❤️鳴謝 Thanks to 杜Sir、游學修 Neo Yau、余香凝 Jennifer Yu和 吳肇軒 Siu Hin Ng

HKIFF...Read more

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Before you head to one of the four remaining screenings of #LucreciaMartel's films, read the introduction made by film scholar Professor Gina Marchetti and Latin American cinema lecturer Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez at the link below.

?更多每日影訊 More Festival Daily articles? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/daily

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #香港國際電影節

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009