JFung Remix
DJ , Music Producer , Graphic Designer , Photographer
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《Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me (feat. Circle Guitar) - HeartGrey & JFung》 由本地最強Beatboxer HeartGrey及著名跨媒體創作人及DJ JFung聯手打造,包辦曲詞編錄監,加上人氣女聲Circle Guitar出色演繹,炮製出香港本地EDM界新力軍代表作!12月18日 強勢登陸各大音樂平台!

《Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me (feat. Circle Guitar) - HeartGrey & JFung》 Hong Kong Beatbox Championship, HeartGrey & Renowned cross-media Producer & DJ JFung collaborate and produced this debut single, from composing, lyrics, arrangements, recording & producing. Featuring local popular female vocal, Circle Guitar, we created a new blood representative track for Hong Kong EDM genre. It will be landing major music platform on 18 December. Peace.

NothingsGonnaStopMe #NGSM

HeartGrey @HeartGrey

JFung @JFungRemix

CircleGuitar @CircleGuitar

DJ #Producer #HKEDM #HKDJ

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about 9 years ago 334 likes  0 comment  0 shares


DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 8, 2008
Languages Spoken