Jay FC
艺术总监, 平面设计师, 杂志编辑
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A city with a soul worth saving?

Anyone who lives and works around the Central area as I do will no doubt be aware of the government's plans to tear out the heart of the neighbourhood and replace it with yet more faceless tower blocks, car parks and office towers. The whole of the Central wet-market (and that includes ChinaStylus studio) will be raised to the ground in the name of "Urban Renewal" (simply re-arrange the letters and you get "greed, corruption, self-interest")...

The awareness campaigns and exhibitions in opposition to these so obviously flawed plans have made a significant and positive impact – the resistance is growing! Most recently, the World City Committee has put in a smart and balanced alternative proposal for the area that needs to be seriously considered - and that requires public support...

If you really care about our city and want to save some of the last remaining soul we have, please support the campaign and get involved... You don't have to chain yourself to a market stall or start waving banners, just join the petition and support the WCCs proposal.

Please take a look at: www.savethestreetmarket.com

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Photo 33427
I'm in two minds about the whole thing ... Hong Kong government & developer back-slapping has been going on for so long that it's impossible to stop. The ONLY influence on the success of most small businesses in HK is the greed of landlords & stupidity of tenants. HK needs rent control very very VERY badly; and issues like wet markets, dolphins and bits of marsh-land are just distracting away from the real issue. If rents in a certain area could only go up by, say 20% per contract term for example (& that figure seems like a cruel joke but I for one have been screwed by figures higher than that in the past) then developers would not be in such a rush to wipe out existing structures in exchange for a quick buck. Look at Sheung Wan right now. From my office I can see 5 buildings in a state of flux, either coming down or going up. Incidentally, if the Government were So Concerned about congestion in Central, surely they should lead the way by moving the planned government offices on Tamar Site up into the New Territories or something ... taking a workforce of some 10,000 with them?! Or just shut up shop altogether and let Beijing get on with it. Hypocritical, narrow minded, self serving idiots ruining a potentially great city.
接近 17 年 ago
Jayfc 5d jayfc
Tell me about it Danno! The last ChinaStylus studio round the corner we lost to a 300% rent increase when the property got sold... And now, after just 2 years, they're knocking down the neighbourhood and my current place with it... Frankly, I'm sick of it too and sometimes just wish I was someplace else.. But I'm not ready to lay down and quit just yet... They'll never take me alive... ; )
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 33427
yeah I remember that scenario. Screw the insanity ... I've moved operations to Chai Wan, and am packing as we speak.
接近 17 年 ago
Jayfc 5d jayfc
I'll see you there...
接近 17 年 ago


Give me my wings...


Hong Kong
January 21, 2008