Anyone who lives and works around the Central area as I do will no doubt be aware of the government's plans to tear out the heart of the neighbourhood and replace it with yet more faceless tower blocks, car parks and office towers. The whole of the Central wet-market (and that includes ChinaStylus studio) will be raised to the ground in the name of "Urban Renewal" (simply re-arrange the letters and you get "greed, corruption, self-interest")...
The awareness campaigns and exhibitions in opposition to these so obviously flawed plans have made a significant and positive impact – the resistance is growing! Most recently, the World City Committee has put in a smart and balanced alternative proposal for the area that needs to be seriously considered - and that requires public support...
If you really care about our city and want to save some of the last remaining soul we have, please support the campaign and get involved... You don't have to chain yourself to a market stall or start waving banners, just join the petition and support the WCCs proposal.
Please take a look at: