The trailer for the comedy series "Mister French Taste", which I have a role in, has been released. The series is directed by Jennifer Thym and stars Olivier Malet, Osric Chau, and Sarah Lian. The following is a description from the series' website of what "Mister French Taste" is about: "Mister French Taste® is an etiquette coach who is faced with the challenge of a lifetime: transforming the unruly Leon, the only son of a conservative Hong Kong family and a constant source of scandals and shame into a perfectly groomed gentleman while at the same time, trying to steal the heart of Lily, the beautiful young heiress to a Hong Kong fashion empire, educated and smart, and fluent in the art of shopping. Watch Hong Kong and France collide in this hilarious comedy of manners!" More information about the series can be found at the series' website at With respects to the trailer I appear at the very end.
Represented By: Natasha Trisko Pezzente, Trisko Talent Management Inc.