The feature film "Merry-Go-Round"《東風破》where I was able to work with directors Yan Yan Mak and Clement Cheng and actress Nora Miao was recently voted the Best Chinese Film of 2010 by the Hong Kong Film Critics Association (香港影評人協會). The film is directed by Yan Yan Mak (麦婉欣) and Clement Cheng (鄭思傑) with cinematography by Jason Kwan (關智耀). The film stars Nora Miao (苗可秀), Teddy Robin (泰迪罗宾), Ella Koon (官恩娜), Lawrence Chou (周俊伟), HOCC (何韵诗), Siu Yam Yam (邵音音), Joe Cheung (張同祖), and Wilfred Lau (劉浩龍).
Represented By: Natasha Trisko Pezzente, Trisko Talent Management Inc.