Justin Lim
音乐监製, 音乐家, 歌手
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Elvis is BACK!

Hey guys! I think it's about time to update this blog, really make it alive, not dead.. hee hee!Update, I've been working hard on finishing up my well tired and over it university double degree in communications and management, just finished my second last semester of exams a few weeks ago. Hope they went well!At the same time, I've also been working hard at the art of writing songs, as well as producing/mixing them. My passion for sound design and audio gear is as strong as ever. So what else is new?One of my best buds Patrick Cheung (aka MR. ASS) got MARRIED!Check out this groomsmen pic:Fastforwarding and skipping major details from the past few months, the latest and the greatest, I've been booked to do my Elvis act at Skylark, a really cool live music club in Central.Here is the poster:I'm doing 2 sets with a live band, and you'll be sure to find me doing a full on hip gyrating lip curling performance of the biggest Elvis songs. Looking forward to the night, hope to see a lot of AnD friends over there! It's been a while since we all got together! If you can't make it, I'll be sure to get some coverage of the night and post it up here!Shout out to all my long time no type AnD friends out there!-Just

14 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
he lives! actually i admit I haven't had time to blog about Mr. A$$'s wedding either!
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Me and my flier teams will be out in Central that night promoting for the Project Lotus finale, i'll try to stop by, when are your sets?
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - from now on I'm going to just refer to you as 'Justin the Pelvis'
14 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
January 18, 2009