Hey wassup friends..
Sorry it's been a WHILE again.. almost a month or so of no AnD action.. but here I am with a few pics of the AnD 2nd anniversary party!
The party was awesome.. got to see everybody I wanted to see.. got to hear a few new bands.. got to hear my favorite groups do their thing again (24 herbs and hardpack!). The only thing that was not awesome was the special Belgium beer they were promoting.. I'm still not sure how I feel about it.. it had a good initial taste.. but weird after taste... anyway!
I always wait for people to tag me in their pics on facebook.. and that's how I'm getting these photos!:
So me and Scott decide to be gay and match shirts.. okay not really.. but we do look smarter than usual huh!
Notice.. I'm not wearing a trucker cap! I got that from a few people.. "you're not wearing a hat1 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like totally... like... omggggggg...likee..."-okay they didn't say omg and like.. but I thought that would be an interesting thing to add..
Where was I? Oh ya.. I had a haircut recently.. and I decided.. for this special occasion.. I'll do something special..not wear a trucker hat!
Scott, Me, Mr. ASS, Mr. Creepkin
I love Mr. Ass's shirt!
Then Scott decided to pull some monkey business whilst I was watching the show..He spanked and squeezed..
So we got into a big fight..
Then I had to be cooled down.. so I stayed in the corner with Faye and Rene:
We didn't stay for the whole night.. we all had to work the next day and be sober for mother's day!
Took a few pics right before going home:
Peapops, gay-patty, T, Faye, myself
Me, Mio (visiting all the way from Japan, nice to meet you in person!), Andrew
And last but not least, the greatest photo of them all.. the special privileged view that only myself could have contained.. allow me to share with you..the view.. of ..the chosen one..
Oh that reminds me.. from all my pics on AnD.. you can tell I collect trucker caps.. can you spot my other collection?
Okay that's all for now.. will update MUCH sooner than another month!
Take care,
(props to carebear and moody girl for their facebook tags)