Official Artist
League Justice
DJ , Rapper
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beat in vision [preview]一直以嚟香港都缺乏hip hop show, 於是小弟同班兄弟自己夾手夾腳自己搞一場嚟玩. 你見到街或者任何鋪頭嘅每張海報或傳單都係我地一張一張自已去貼架, 而且仲請咗一個來自瑞典的rapper, Critical演出, 我哋咁有誠意, 你哋吾係唔支持下我地呢班有心人啩, 快D幫我地宣傳下啦, 總之係嚟緊11月14日中環藝穗會, 我地不見不散!!!!!送上video flyer, 記住將呢個flyer周圍post!!!!!以下係詳細資料:JUSTICE FAMILY presetns:

Beat In Vision Vol.1 - Critical China tour

場地 : 香港中環下亞厘畢道2號,藝穗會

日期 : 11月14日 ( 星期六 )

時間 : 10.30pm - 1.30am

門票 : HK$100 (預售) / HK$125 (即日)

隨票附送1支 Kronenbourg 1664 啤酒


Critical (瑞典)

Critical 自2005年起推出單曲《Mina Sista Ord》及音樂影片後並巳先後推出5張專輯,一直活躍於瑞典的hip hop界。最近推出名為《The Travel Journal》的演唱會特輯,並找來自俄羅斯、荷蘭、丹麥、法國、香港、加拿大、中國及馬來西亞的hip hop藝人合作,希望可以令瑞典的hip hop更豐富。

http://www.criticalrap.com http://www.myspace.com/criticalrap


Justice League (Hip Hop/香港):

由MastaMic 和BIG $ammy所組成的Justice League, 將會為你帶來亮滿激情而且最純正的Hiphop演出.

http://www.mysapce.com/mastamic http://www.myspace.com/bigsammyhk

Dj Tinho (2007 DMC香港站冠軍):

作為香港最著名的turtablist之一, 他的scratching可以融入不同的音樂類型, 將scratch帶到另一層次. http://www.myspace.com/djtinho

Ninemo (獨立/HK):

香港新世代獨立樂隊.他們利用electro pop-rock使獨立音樂圈更添生氣

Feel Of All (龐克/HK):

一隊香港美式punk樂隊, 他們的演出將令觀眾見證力量和風趣的結合

http://www.myspace.com/feelofall-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUSTICE FAMILY presents:

Beat In Vision Vol.1 - Critical China tour

Venue : Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong

Date : 14 Nov 2009 ( Saturday )

Time : 10.30pm - 1.30am

Ticket price : HK$100 (advance) / HK$125 (on the day)

Incl. ONE Kronenbourg 1664 beer

Main Act:

Critical( Sweden)

Critical has been around the Swedish hip hop scene since 2005, when he released Mina Sista Ord, a promo single and music video. In the works right now is a concept album titled The Travel Journal, featuring artists from Russia , The Netherlands, Denmark ,France, Hong Kong, Canada, China and Malaysia.

http://www.criticalrap.com http://www.myspace.com/criticalrap http://www.youtube.com/crtlrap

Special Guests :

Justice League (Hip Hop / HK):

One of the premier hip hop crews in Hong Kong featuring MCs MastaMic and Big Sammy, Justice League can surely bring a raw and energetic live show.

http://www.myspace.com/mastamic http://www.myspace.com/bigsammyhk http://www.alivenotdead.com/justiceleague

DJ TinHo (DMC Champ 2007):

As one of the premier turntablists in the city, DJ Tinho is a versatile musician who can incorporate scratching into any type of music.


Ninemo (Indie /HK):

Hong Kong based indie/electro pop-rock band looking to bring a new sound to the scene

Feel of All (Punk / HK):

Feel like rocking out? Feel of All is a care-free punk band that can definitely bring energy and fun to the audience.


From now on, you can buy tickets by bank deposit, hereunder is the bank information:

a. Hang Seng Bank # 228-188694-668, Account name : Tong Sung Ching(Hong Kong Bank’s holder can do the transfer to Hang Seng Bank by ATM machine)

b. Bank of China # 030-578-1-007913-1, Account name : Tong Sung

Ching(Nanyang Bank and Chiyu Bank’s can do the transfer to Bank of China by ATM machine)

Please kindly send the receipt reference number together with your name and telephone to me by email as confirmation.

P.S. Please noted that no refund or cancellation after the deposit.

     If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me by email:


OR You can buy the tickets at the Fringe Club. Thanks a lot!!

為了方便各位購買這之表演之門票, 從現在開始, 大家可以用存款的方式買票:

a. 恆生銀行 (請不要到銀行真人櫃位存款給我! 因為銀行是要收我手續費的!我會將手續費轉嫁給那人的啊!)

戶口名稱:Tong Sung Ching號碼:228-188694-668(匯豐銀行的觀眾是可以用提款機過戶到恆生的)

b. 中國銀行 (櫃位存款和其他方法也OK)

戶口名稱:Tong Sung Ching號碼:030-578-1-007913-1


  1. 把單上的參考號碼及姓名, 電話電郵給我以作確認



如有疑問, 歡迎電郵來問 : mastamic@gmail.com

P.S. 當然, 你亦可親身到中環藝穗會購票,Thanks again!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------有任何疑問請send email到 : justiceleaguehk@yahoo.com.hk

 想留意呢場show最新消息請到 : www.alivenotdead.com/justiceleague      請到以下facebook link查詢 : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/event.php?eid=161037298897ref=mfP.P.S. 未夠18歲係可以買票睇show


          未夠18歲係可以去睇,只係當晚不會送酒給未夠18歲的朋友 記住發揮網絡力量,幫我哋將呢場show嘅消息傳開去!!!!!!!發揮香港Hip Hop精神!!支持香港Hip Hop文化!!!!  

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


WE ARE JUSTICE LEAGUE 正義聯盟 MastaMic, BIG $ammY, DJ Moka, DJ FunkB, DJ Mirror, Tedmen, Blacksheep -------------- WE UPDATE ALL ABOUT... MUSIC 好音樂,

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 18, 2008