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amazing first week in NYC rubbing shoulders with VIP's

amazing first week in NYC rubbing shoulders with VIP's

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→ 胡世恩 Lesley Hu: A constant reminder, thank you daddy: life is short, give it all you got !

你寧可永遠... A constant reminder, thank you daddy: life is short, give it all you got !

你寧可永遠後悔,也不願意試一試自己 能否轉敗為勝?

回答:恐怕沒有人會說:「對,我就是 這樣的孬種」吧。

然而,我們卻常常在不該打退堂鼓時拼 命打退堂鼓,為了恐懼失敗而不敢嘗試 成功。 以世界滑冰好手關穎珊贏得2000年世界 花樣滑冰冠軍時的精彩表現為例: 她一心想贏得第一名,卻在最後一場比 賽前,總積分只排名第三位,於是在最 後的自選曲項目 上,她選擇了突破,而 不是保守只求少出錯。在4分鐘的長曲 中,結合了最高難度的三週跳,並且還 大膽地連跳了兩次。她也可能會敗得很 難看,但她說:「因為我 不想等到失 敗,才後悔自己還有潛力沒發揮。」一 個中國偉人曾說,勝利的希望和有利情 況的轉折,往往產生於再堅持一下的努 力之後。


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Just posted a video for NY Fashion Week with Michael Kors show with Michael Doug...

Just posted a video for NY Fashion Week with Michael Kors show with Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Anna Wintour! Luckiest Girl ever! Will post pictures soon! Still trying to get use to taking pictures of myself and events around me...this is a talent God did not bless me with :p

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1st time experience at NY Fashion Week with 2nd row seats the Michael Kors show...

1st time experience at NY Fashion Week with 2nd row seats the Michael Kors show with Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Anna Wintour!


2012 ...Read more

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空幾! 紐約我來了

空幾! 紐約我來了

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NY here I come! nice! Empty Flight. room for me to lie down and sleep

NY here I come! nice! Empty Flight. room for me to lie down and sleep

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at the

at the

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night out with cousin in Dallas, hitting downtown nightlife

night out with cousin in Dallas, hitting downtown nightlife

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Taipei, Taiwan
August 14, 2009