Official Artist
Lesley Hu 胡世恩
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

ok ok 我要讓自己臉皮厚一點!!來吧facebook 粉絲跟我一起踏上紐&

ok ok 我要讓自己臉皮厚一點!!來吧facebook 粉絲跟我一起踏上紐約百老匯之旅~

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

7/30充實的一天, 充滿熱情,友情, 人情。

7/30充實的一天, 充滿熱情,友情, 人情。

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

7/30充實的一天, 充滿熱情,友情, 人情。一個人吃麵和旁邊&

7/30充實的一天, 充滿熱情,友情, 人情。一個人吃麵和旁邊的陌生人聊起天來~他竟然幫我買單!!我太幸運了吧?

林東芳超好吃!就在好友Alex King Chen 工作室BOND 263對面。今天他人剛好在,好久不見的朋友,同樣為夢想努力,我們用短短聊天的時間給彼此加油打氣...

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Can u tell what this is? 紫色的地瓜噢! 超美又好吃!matches my nails too

Can u tell what this is? 紫色的地瓜噢! 超美又好吃!matches my nails too

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Dear loving friends and family! I sincerely invite you all to The Escape Artist...

Dear loving friends and family! I sincerely invite you all to The Escape Artist on 8/5 for our 4th Dream Gallery event where participants share their journey and pursuit of dreams. I myself will be sharing that about my recent journey to New York and Broadway. Come share, come listen, come so i can give you a hug~

please see event details below regarding, time, dinner, etc

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almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



almost 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

德州一間超有味道的餐廳叫Rise. 專賣法式souffles. 好吃無負擔

德州一間超有味道的餐廳叫Rise. 專賣法式souffles. 好吃無負擔

about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

謝謝大家一直以來的支持和鼓勵. 一起見證我追夢的過程. 很開心跟你們分享,今天收到一通重要的電話,決定了我下半年的計畫...月初挑戰紐約百老匯的試鏡結果出爐!擺...

謝謝大家一直以來的支持和鼓勵. 一起見證我追夢的過程. 很開心跟你們分享,今天收到一通重要的電話,決定了我下半年的計畫...月初挑戰紐約百老匯的試鏡結果出爐!擺出勝利手示~我選上了!!!感謝主


about 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
August 14, 2009