Official Artist
Tse Yu Ling
Actor , Singer , Model , Dancer , Dance Choreographer
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blog again on 1 March 2010

will start blogging again as a whole new life of my career has just begun!!! ^^

being a freelancer again and i can feel the AIR...

had the great moment experiencing the routine life in the magical theme park in hong kong for one and a half year.  i did the wonderful theatre show The Golden Mickey's and the cheering parade show High School Musical, experienced the love, friendship, laughter and tears in this very magical place!  many talented ppl i've met, many good and loving ppl i've met, and im real glad!!  when it comes to an end today, im very happily carrying all these wonderful experiences and good memories to move onto my new level of career!  goodbye the cheerful land, where all the tears are to be hidden, where all my happiness n excitement are squeezed to share.. goodbye all the lovely casts!

im feeling its all gonna be better, moving, exciting, adventurous, creative, hearty, truthful career ahead, and u gotta believe dreams do come true~!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Img 6964
double blogged with the same title coz i didn't know it's automatically saved to draft.. anyway.. it's my first version of the "blog again" blog!! hahaha.. :P
over 14 years ago
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double! doh! :-P
over 14 years ago
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welcome to life with freedom from the Mouse!
over 14 years ago
Img 6964
hehe.. thanks! changed the title abit.. addiing the date to keep me from confusion.. :p
over 14 years ago


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