Our special episode covering the changes of Inner Mongolia is out! Watch the replay on our CGTN Live App or via CGTN's YouTube Channel: 70 Years On: A Journey to Inner Mongolia?我們特別節目關於內蒙古已經出爐了!請下載CGTN LIVEApp,或CGTN的YouTube頻道看回放:70年的變化,內蒙古的旅程? @crossover.cgtn @cgtn ----Broadcast Platforms---- TV Channel電視頻道: CGTN (Every Sat 10:15PM 每週六晚間10:15) Online網上平台: CGTN YouTube Channel /CGTN Homepage (Live streaming available) CGTN直播官網
Taiwan TV Host by day; Adventurer by night; Traveler by heart. Follow me & stay tuned to TV show FASHIONISTUS! 熱愛生活的台灣電視主持人;帶著冒險的心遊走世界。跟隨我、請鎖定時尚節目FASHIONISTUS!