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MADEinHK 香港製造
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Garden 玩具雜誌 | Garden Toys Mag

依個年頭嘅香港地,做乜都要同潮流掛勾,排首位當然係著得夠潮,為買Street Wear等潮服而碌爆卡大有人在!!另外食得要夠潮,最好次次花款、樣樣新鮮,講嘢要夠潮,經常上網update最潮術語,以便與人溝通、搭嗲,最後當然係要玩得夠潮!!眾多花臣之中以Figure玩具最重大圍歡迎!!無論潮流崇拜是對是錯,總之[潮]已成為本土文化不可不缺少的一部份。


今次嘅專訪主角Tomm,絕對稱得上是本土嘅Figure專家,聞名於嗜此物者,除咗為潮流雜誌玩具專欄執筆超過十年外,亦有以個人名義創立Garden玩具專門雜誌,對Figure、手辦模型行情無一不通,個人收藏量極為豐富, Tomm曾帶領筆者前往其鴨脷洲的Garden工作室參觀,藏貨量遠超筆者想象,可惜尚未執拾企理,相片省略刊登。


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難得 Tomm 不厭其煩,對筆者這個潮流白痴細心講解, 但相信此報導對一些潮流盲來說是很有幫助的!! 在訪問過後 Tomm 送贈一袋紀念品, 當中包括一本 Garden 的四百頁 Figure 大典、一盒在上文提過的Garden x Michael Lau x 井上三太的 Crossover Figure Box Set,  一本高潮樂隊卡通角色介紹, 筆者非常感謝之餘定必好好收藏, 假以時日必定水漲船高、升價十倍.........

In Hong Kong these days, everything goes with fahsion & style. Willing to stay in the top .... you got to dress in style, and lot of people who indeed sacrificed their credit cards to buy Big label Street Wear, inorder themselves to get the booze of the high life!! Other than dressing, food & drink, flashy new toys, Update Slange .... what ever they are, still under the shadow of Fashion!! But among all of those, FIGUREs & TOYs is the must within the modern culture.


Today, our man in spot light is Tomm, a very famous FIGUREs & TOYs expert in Hong Kong and also a writer of fashion magazines for over 10 years. Other than that, he is also the founder of GARDEN MAGAZINE which is a local toy & figure Mag. He kindly review his working studio and his personal collection as well, but sadly we are still working on the photos, therefore, we will only post a few this time.


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We thx Tomm for his shareing and we hope the information could help out the people who dont really understand what TOYs & FIGUREs really is. After the intervew, Tomm gave us Gift Set which include a 400 pages Figure bible, a Garden X Michael Lau X Santa Inoue Crossover Figure Box Set and also a booklet about the cartoon figures of a band called Climas. Thank you very much.....



哩D咁正嘅野點可以比HERBERT一個人要晒呀,你地話係咪先....所以我決定叫我老友教我膝撞,我一定要搶到個BOX SET反黎

Personal Foot Note:

I couldn't just stay here and let HERBERT get his hand on the gift set, are you with me.....so i decided to learn the knee strike from my friend and I swear I will keep the BOX SET for myself

about 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Photo 45507
tiger : come on....i aint good an translating.....i already did my best..... &gt;,&lt; K : well it is......
about 17 years ago


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!

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November 22, 2007