MADEinHK 香港製造
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Welcome To MADEinHK AnD's Blog

MADEinHK是一個新成立的網上媒體,工作主要圍繞搜尋香港本土文化元素,當中包括了時事、歷史、藝術和生活態度等多個範疇,基本上與本土文化有關的就是我們研究對象,特別是那些未被發掘的人和事,希望籍此增加大家對香港文化的理解和尊重,這也是我們建立MADEinHK的宗旨。雖然MADEinHK現時只有中文版本,但網站界面樸素、操作簡易,適合任何電腦和讀者觀看,我們寄望在不久將來可以支援多種語言,使訊息能散播到更多不同地域。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


MADEinHK推出至今已有半年時間,一直以文字將報導和研究報告傳達讀者,另付有圖片介紹和聯絡指引,讓有興趣交流的朋友聯絡目標對象。除此以外,我們亦正在籌備一個名為MADEinHK TV的項目,製作我們的視像紀錄片、短片和特輯外,亦為本土獨立影片人開放多一個空間,分享切合MADEinHK精神的作品,使資訊不只局限於文字模式,讓節奏急速的港人更易吸收,當然原先的文字平台亦會繼續運作。


對於加入Alive not Dead這個大家庭我們實在感到十分高興,同時了解到Alive not  Dead凝聚本土藝術家的理念與MADEinHK發掘本土文化的共通之處,希望往後日子可以與各位成員建立緊密的關係,彼此為促進本土文化發展而努力。


MADEinHK會定期在Alive not Dead發佈我們的最新動向,誠邀各位朋友到來留言分享,亦歡迎介紹新題材,或引薦才華橫溢的你給我們!!讓你的故事能夠廣泛流傳。對於本土文化愛好者們,請給予我們更多支持,你們的參與將會令文化創作豐富起來!!


Website:http://MADEinHK.hk /http://MADEinHK.tv

E-mail: info@MADEinHK.hk



MADEinHK is a new online media which only been out for 6 months, and which, with a direction towards local culture explorations; topics like city news, history, art, life styles and especially hidden stories & talents are all our flavors….ummm. Investigation, Interviews would be carried out and followed by written documentary and articles. Detailed photos and contact methods are provided for readers' further approaches. Interfaces are simplified for every computer and users to apply. Unfortunately, we do only support Chinese version at this moment, foreign languages are looking forward to be installed, and therefore we could really spread our Msgs across borders. The reason we put action into these, is because we willing to increase public awareness and respect to our Hong long local issues.


MADEinHK is currently working on a project called MADEinHK TV. Visual documentary and series programs would be introducedshortly, and also it act like a platform for which local Independent film makers could distribute their creations….hopefully.


In fact, we are glad to join the platform of Alive not Dead. We recognize we both having the same vision, which is to promote local culture and talents. In the near future, we hope we could gain more information & develop a crossover relationship with AnD’s members. Please do visit our Blog more, as we will keep updating some interesting news, and of coz we welcome you to refer any interest stories & especially if you are talented please let your story be heard.


By the way, if you could read both Chinese & English you will notice that they aren’t identical translations as we aren’t very good at repeating our- selves. Peace………


Website: http://MADEinHK.hk /http://MADEinHK.tv

E-mail: info@MADEinHK.hk

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45507
hey Andy.....thats sounds interesting too......so you are spanish?
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 45507
i'v heard HK gov got some sort of PROFESSONAL IMPORT project or something, i think u may well could check it out....
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 45507
ummm....if i got hold of any related inform i will pass on to you
大约 17 年 ago


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 22, 2007