MADEinHK 香港製造
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自作自售 Autodyne Vendors

[ 自作自售] -「自作」固名思義是自已動手製作,「自售」當中的「售」卻並非指售賣,而是取其諧義[推介]。簡單來說,[自作自售]是一個以十分鐘自拍錄像作為自我介紹渠道的遊戲,現時只接受個人報名參與。參加者在活動開始之前會預先被安排製作一段四十秒以內(此部份共佔用一分鐘時間,餘下廿秒會額外預留製作之用)的導引,例如交代職業、興趣、技能、內容概括等背景資料,完成後將會獲MADEinHK借發(最長為期三天)一部Song Net Sharing Cam迷你手提攝錄機作拍攝餘下九分鐘的內容之用,參加者需在限時之內將自己的日常生活、事件如實攝錄,內容自由發揮,可以是圍繞技能出發又或是帶出一些想告知別人的故事,籍此增加大家對自己的了解和才華的認識,。當攝錄機交還後,工作人員將會把機內的儲存片段輸入電腦,並在不經刪剪的原則下將記憶體首九分鐘片段連接起來,以最原汁原味的形式製作成短片,用意是營造出一種原始、真實的感覺。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


















以下示範片段是自作自售Vol.1 - By. Will.C.






[自作自售]-「自作」固名思义是自已动手制作,「自售」当中的「售」 却并非指售卖,而是取其谐义[推介]。简单来说,[自作自售]是一个以十分钟自拍录像作为自我介绍管道的游戏,现时只接受个人报名参与。参加者在活动开始之前会预先被安排制作一段四十秒以内(此部份共占用一分钟时间,余下廿秒会额外预留制作之用)的导引,例如交代职业、兴趣、技能、内容概括等背景资料,完成后将会获MADEinHK借发(最长为期三天)一部Song Net Sharing Cam迷你手提摄录机作拍摄余下九分钟的内容之用,参加者需在限时之内将自己的日常生活、事件如实摄录,内容自由发挥,可以是围绕技能出发又或是带出一些想告知别人的故事,籍此增加大家对自己的了解和才华的认识,。当摄录机交还后,工作人员将会把机内的储存片段输入计算机,并在不经删剪的原则下将内存首九分钟片段连接起来,以最原汁原味的形式制作成短片,用意是营造出一种原始、真实的感觉。





















 We recognize this city is full of hidden talents and interesting stories, but it just lack of coverage and supports. In order to increase their public awareness of those individuals, MADEinHK is now introducing a game which is called Autodyne Vendors (Not very good at naming, any suggestions?). It means to present and promote them-selves by introducing a 10 Minutes Autodyne video. Topics are open to applicants, but should be related to their personal talents and true story that they willing to share with others. Obviously, it could be an interesting channel to put peoples' focus onto them, in return of appreciations.


Each applicant will be arranged for maximum 40 seconds of self-introduction, telling something about their careers, talents, backgrounds etc. (the introduction section counted as a Minute, last 20 seconds will be preserved for editing use). Once the introduction has been done, a pocket size Sony Net Sharing Web Cam will then lend over to the applicant for maximum 3 days. Applicants will then needed to produce the further on 9 Minutes video on his/her own. Interesting or not will be counted on their creations.


Once the task is over, we will then get the camcorder back and put those clips together with the rule of "no outtake". The reason of doing so is to keep it Raw and Real. That’s the whole idea……REAL.




*Applicants should always show them-selves in screen (strongly request);prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Camshould be hold by his/her own hand, or use a stable fixer instead.


  • Autodyne shots should be allocated fairly and follow the flow of daily life.


  • Applicants must be currently staying inHong Kong


  • (Cantonese / English / Mandarin) Applicants could choose one of those as the master tongue for his/her game.


Warm remind:


Please note that the Cam do have a little set back, as it tend to make you look bigger than your actual size, and also make the images look rounder than it should be, especially the face and body!! Be carefully!!


A Demo is shown as above - Autodyne Vendors Vol.1 by WILL.C.

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45507
thx.....there are still a lot of changes that needed to be made... we got the ambition dosent mean others will buy the idea right? just do our best and try!!!
大约 17 年 ago


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 22, 2007