MADEinHK 香港製造
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Break Borders 2, A Documentary By Joey Kan

Hey people....here it is, Break Borders 2, carry on from the last documentary that my friend Joey did about Break dance...

For people who dont know about this, check out the Vol. 1 ~! [CLICK ME]  .....Enjoy People....Show some support~!!

Video: Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

World & People Through The Eyes Of Nimchi

Nimchi, a name of an artest, a friend or mine.....but this time is different, cause I know her through AnD, she is a member here.....

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Winter In Friedberg

Merry Christmas everyone.....Did you ever wonder hows winter like in other countries? Our member Silky took some sensational photos in Friedberg and they are just so nice, so I decided to add a background music and make a slide show out of it.....so there you go, Enjoy ....ohoh almost forgot, thx to Juhana for sending me the music.....Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

聖誕節 ~ 以毒攻毒

陳奕迅    聖誕結

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r6FPEghwFc


我住的城市從不下雪  記憶卻堆滿冷的感覺


把快樂趕得好遠  落單的戀人最怕過節


我愛過的人沒有一個留在身邊 寂寞他陪我過夜

Merry Merry Christmas, Lonely Lonely Christmas

想祝福不知該給誰  愛被我們打了死結

Lonely Lonely Christmas Merry Merry christmas

寫了卡片能寄給誰  心碎的象街上的紙屑


落單的戀人最怕過節 只能獨自慶祝儘量喝醉

我愛過的人沒有一個留在身邊 寂寞他陪我過夜

Merry...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares

Garden 玩具雜誌 | Garden Toys Mag

依個年頭嘅香港地,做乜都要同潮流掛勾,排首位當然係著得夠潮,為買Street Wear等潮服而碌爆卡大有人在!!另外食得要夠潮,最好次次花款、樣樣新鮮,講嘢要夠潮,經常上網update最潮術語,以便與人溝通、搭嗲,最後當然係要玩得夠潮!!眾多花臣之中以Figure玩具最重大圍歡迎!!無論潮流崇拜是對是錯,總之[潮]已成為本土文化不可不缺少的一部份。


今次嘅專訪主角Tomm,絕對稱得上是本土嘅Figure專家,聞名於嗜此物者,除咗為潮流雜誌玩具專欄執筆超過十年外,亦有以個人名義創立Garden玩具專門雜誌,對Figure、手辦模型行情無一不通,個人收藏量極為豐富, Tomm曾帶領筆者前往其鴨脷洲的Garden工作室參觀,藏貨量遠超筆者想象,可惜尚未執拾企理,相片省略刊登。


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難得 Tomm 不厭其煩,對筆者這個潮流白...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares


I always thought that Paragliding this kind of activity wont happen in HK....but I was wrong. Recently we get in touch with a guy called KIT(Chairman of Hong Kong Paragliding Assoication) and which he is a Paragliding Pilot....did an interview with him and he offered to carry us up to experence the flying sensation.....ummm....I am very interested of cause but I wonder is it really that safe. According to KIT, its a very safe activity and all the pilot got to go throught trainning course and will get a flying licence from the associ...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares


ummmm......today I am gonna introduce another friend of mine, but he is a whole different thing compare with my graceful Artest Friend Jeff. He is real fighter with style....going by a name "REAL MONSTER" A.K.A "真怪"

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares

See If You Could Spot Them Around HK...

      Been playing around with stickers for few days and I kind of notice that there are actually a lot of stickers around town.....different kind different in shape~! Some of them are ADV of cause but some of them really mean something and people are trying to spread out some sort of MSGs.......this get me thinking that......is that some sort of street art other than graffiti?,,,,,,,or is it some sort of vandalism should i say? For me, i dont give a shit cause its fun...... ...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

Our Stickers Finally Done WOOO HOOO~!!!

Alright~! Finally got the MADEinHK Stickers printed.....I couldn't wait to test it out, so right after I finished my breakfast this morning, I'v been wondering around and took a few snap shots....

if anyone who are interested to get the MADEinHK stickers, pls let me know.....and if you could, pls take snap shots like what we did and send me a copy.....and of cause if anyone who clam him/herself is made in hong kong, I may well could smack a sticker on their a...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  18 评论s  0 shares

Stickers Snaps With MADEinHK....

Here are some more of the snaps that i would love to share..... .....I am kind of addicted to this now....oh no.....

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  23 评论s  0 shares


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 22, 2007